
                                                          Oak Brown Forest near Nada Thatch

One of the few biosphere reserve as well as wildlife park left in today's world.The park covers an area of 1000 was in the news recently when the Indian Government denotified 10 acresof the Park's ecologically fragile areas to facilitate the construction of a large 2000 MW hydro- power project at Sainj near the parks boundary in the Kullu District of the Indian state of Himachal which incidentally means "in the lap of the Himalayas".Below follows a detailed brochure of the Park published by the Forest Department of Himachal on how to get to the Park and what are the trekking routes ,the wildlife ,the varieties of Medicinal plants in the Park.Page 1 contains the Park brochure and Map.Then pages contain pictures of the lanscapes found in the park.
Then the remaining pages contain the pics of birds in the park.Do take a look and in your suggestions.

Page 1 The Forest Department Information Brochure..
Page 2 The Landscape Pics of the Park Start
Page 3 The Landscape Pics Continued
Page 4 The Landscape Pics Continued
Page 5 The Landscape Pics Concluded.
Page 6 The Birds in the Park:Their Pics
Page 7 Bird Pic
Page 8 Bird Pic
Page 9 Bird Pic
Page 10 Bird Pic
Page 11 The Last Bird Pic

Thanks for Visiting The Park............

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