Ron McGregor's South Africa Site
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Welcome to Ron McGregor's South Africa Website
From the scenic splendour of laid back Cape Town, to the awesome spectacle of Victoria Falls, South Africa and its neighbouring countries offer a fascinating touring experience to every kind of visitor.
This is a self-made, non-commercial website, designed to provide the prospective visitor with answers to a great many questions that might arise as one plans one's trip.
As one of South Africa's most experienced tour guides, I'd like to share some of my knowledge with you, and hope that it will help to make your Southern African experience safe, rewarding, and enjoyable.
This site is concerned mainly with the Republic of South Africa, i.e. the place Nelson Mandela made famous. However, many visitors combine their visit to South Africa with a trip to one or more of our very interesting neighbours - Zimbabwe, Namibia, Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland - so you'll find a lot of information about them as well.
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This site has been designed with minimum graphics for swift navigation and quick downloads
Ron McGregor's web site - Welcome to South Africa - General Menu
VISITOR # since 09 August
1999 back
South Africa and its neighbours -
Visa, health and airport tax information.
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Disclaimer: the information, opinions, views and advice featured in this website are those of the Author alone. All information here has been provided in good faith, but the author will not accept any responsibility for the accuracy thereof.
Copyright: Copyright © Ron McGregor, 1999. Information provided as a free service to interested parties. Users are welcome to distribute this information provided that no charge is made, and provided that the Author is acknowledged as the source.
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About this site: This site was launched in August 1999. It began as a personal website because I was interested in knowing how these things worked, and because my internet service provider allows me a free website as long as it's not greater than 5Mb.
Having started, I wasn't sure what I should put on it, but eventually I decided to fill it with answers to the questions that people always ask of a tour guide. A separate section serves as my electronic CV for industry professionals who might be looking for someone with my qualifications to handle their tours.
There is, or will be, a huge amount of information here. Different bits will be of use to different people. For example:
If you are browsing along, and you suddenly think, "Hang on, I don't actually need this info," then click on the nearest Navigation Flag (O) or yellow menu bar, to select the next topic that interests you.
I also recommend, in the interests of saving your time, that you browse this site fully before moving on to the section where I list other useful websites. This is because my site is designed for simple and swift access, but other sites that I have listed as "useful" are professional, commercial sites with lots of graphics and pictures, and they may take a long time to download.
Technical information: The site has been developed on Microsoft Front Page Express™. It is authored and maintained entirely by me in my private capacity. As such, it makes no pretensions to professionalism. Maintenance will be done, and updates made, as and when I am able to make them.
Use of graphics and pictures has been kept to a minimum to reduce the time taken for pages to appear on your screen.
If you wish to print out any of the information here, it is recommended that you highlight the text that you wish to print. If you instruct your printer to print the entire page, you may get rather more than you expected - or wanted - as many of these pages aree quite lengthy.
Comments and suggestions are welcomed. I don't want any compliments for a Good Looking site, but I would like people to be able to recommend it as a Really Useful Site.
Grateful thanks are extended to the many computer nuts who assisted me in so many ways, especially Ken Holmes, Peter Thompson, Gladys Dongo, Prof Isosceles Vilikazi, and last, but no ways least, Adrian Miller of the National Support Centre at Internet Africa.
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You may contact me by e-mail. Click on
Any feedback, suggestions, criticisms or praise will be welcome. I would be especially grateful if you would take the time to report the little things, like typo errors, or hyperlinks that don't work, so that I can fix them up for future browsers.
I would also be very interested to know how you were directed to the site.
Please note that, due to my repeated absences on tour, I am not able to answer all correspondences, and even if I can, I cannot always do so promptly. This is, after all, a non-commercial website.
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The greater part of this site has been designed for prospective visitors. If you are planning to visit South Africa, or if you are a travel agent gathering information for your client, this is the section that will concern YOU. It is loaded with information and advice, provides answers to frequently asked questions, and has links to many other useful sites.
For swift navigation around this site, flags are placed in various positions. Clicking on any flag will take you immediately to a Navigation Panel, from which you can decide where to go next. This will save you from having to return repeatedly to the main menu on the title page.
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