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Welcome to Komodoisland

This is a picture of Komodo island in Indonesia.

CONGRATULATIONS, You have just found the best Komodo dragon site on the web, Welcome to Komodoisland. This site has everything that you will need to know about the Komodo dragon. You can contact me by e-mail at the bottom.

Komodo Island is one of 17,000 islands in Indonesia, 22 miles long and perhaps the most dangerous. Here, more deadly snakes, scorpions, and poisonous spiders live than anywhere in the world. Earthquakes shake the island, tidal waves crash onto the shores, volcanoes blast smoke and burning ash. Fast moving currents, whirlpools, and man-eating sharks circle the waters. If you go back a couple hundred years ago when the Komodo dragon was discovered a tribe of pirates called the "boogeymen" attacked ships that went by. But the worst is yet to come. Imagine getting stuck on an island you have never heard of and stumbling onto a sign that said Beware! Here Be Dragons!

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