W-E-L-C-O-M- E   TO

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You will
see the wild animals, enjoy the sandy beaches and climb the Mighty  KILIMANJARO and  MORE... ...................

See Widlife
My, my.... which animal do we start with.. beautiful cheetah cubs playing on the trunk of your vehicle,  or a lion chasing a gazelle? Look, look you almost missed that speedy wharthog disappear underground........

The Beaches:
Did you say you love the warm and beautiful blue waters of the Indian Ocean with its marvelous unspoiled white sandy beaches? I got a pleasant surprise for you. Look by yourself.........

(Hike the Mighty Kilimanjaro
And you feel energetic enough to try this giant.. He is waiting for you. Gentle slopes, can reach the summit without the use of oxygen... a whole 19,340 feet. Check the variety of fauna and flora abundant along the hikes............

(The Firendly People of Kenya

VIsit the Beautiful Lake Victoria and surrounding Parks. You have to see the wild crocodiles and hippos on this Africa's largest  fresh water Lake.

You have to see the PINK Flamingoes

Dining& Lodging 3

You need Java to see this applet.

By Category or Subject

Category 4

What to see5


Seasons  1

Category 2


The King Shall rest.....


More to come ...................