Reetesh Singh



A competent software professional, with an ability to analyse and solve problems, having strong interpersonal communication skills and with functional, technical and leadership skills in Java J2EE, and Oracle9IAS Portal in Unix and Windows NT environments. A total experience of over 3.5 years, including 6 months of training, in the software field that encompasses Requirement Analysis and design, software development, testing and implementation of engineering applications.

Professional Highlights


Skill Set

Operating Systems: MS-DOS 6.22, Windows 2000/NT, Linux and LAN

DBMS/RDBMS: Oracle 8, Oracle 9I, MS Access, MS SQL Server 2000

Web Technologies: JAVA 2, JSP, Servlets, JDBC, Beans, RMI, XML, HTML, Java Script and PLSQL Server Pages

Component Technologies: EJB2.0 and Working knowledge of MTS

Application/Web Servers: Oracle 9iAS, Apache Tomcat 4.1, J2EE 1.3, Macromedia JRun 4, Weblogic 6.1, iPlanet Web Server Enterprise Edition 4.0, Java Web server2.0.

Portal Technology: Oracle 9I Portal Server

IDE/Tools: Eclipse Release 2.1 (with CheckStyle and solar plugin), JBuilder, VJ++, Forte for Java, Edit Plus ANT Build 1.1, CheckStyle3.1

Specialisation: Java and Oracle 9i Portal Server


Professional Experience

Company KPIT Cummins Infosystems Ltd, Pune System Executive

KPIT Cummins is a Limited is an international software solutions provider and CMM Level 5 Company. It has joint ventures in the UK, USA, UAE and Japan. KPIT Cummins has domain expertise in the Manufacturing. (

Project: Distribution Portal Analyst/Sr. Developer

Client: Cummins Inc.

Duration: September 2003 to till date

Description: Cummins Global Distributor Connectivity (GDC) is a secured web interface for Cummins delivery partners to access various Cummins IT applications.

Distribution portal was basically a migration project for this GDC portal, which was on ATG Dynamo portal server to Oracle 9I Portal Server Environment with various modifications and enhancements.

Technology: Oracle 9iAS Portal Server, JSP, Java2, PLSQL, OC4j, Eclipse, Check Style, Ant Build, HTML and Java Script

Team Size: 8

Nature of Duties:


Project: FCS (Finite Capacity Scheduler) Technical Consultant/ Tech QMT

Client: Product.

Duration: September 2003 to Oct 2003

Description: The Finite Capacity Scheduler is a software package that schedules production activities in the user factory within the constraints of time and resources as defined by the user.

The Finite Capacity Scheduler system utilizes data from the user regarding the job, parts, processes, operations, and resources like machines and labor. The time frames of the production jobs are decided by the user or obtained from the Master production system. And priorities are decided by user or calculated by the system for recommendation. With these inputs the Scheduler computes the production schedules and decides the workload for all the resources being scheduled, within the stipulated period of time. The scheduler seeks to satisfy delivery schedules while making optimal use of the available resources. The computed schedules are presented to user in customized formats (viz. Gantt chart).

Technology: Rational Rose 2000, Java 2, and Check Style.

Team Size: 11

Nature of Duties:


Project: PGBU Dashboard (PowerGen Business Unit) Analyst/Sr. Developer

Client: Cummins Inc.

Duration: August 2003 to September 2003

Description: This Project is a part of Employee portal developed for Cummins Inc.

The PGBU key leaders did not have access to the accurate and most recent or complete operational key initiatives and leadership information. The lack of availability results in delayed or poor decisions, not responding quickly to performance/initiative changes and not representing a complete picture to the organisation. This module was designed especially for key initiative leader to serve the basic information in more understandable formats using various Graph options.

The dashboard portal is broken down into three major sections: Leadership, Key Initiatives, and Operational. Each section has a section owner, and may have multiple data owners. Each section will drill down into pages that will contain more detailed information.

Technology: Oracle 9iAS Portal Server, JSP, Java2, PLSQL, OC4j, Eclipse, Check Style, Ant Build, HTML and Java Script

Team Size: 6

Nature of Duties:

Company Zeta Softech Pvt. Ltd. Nagpur, India Project Leader/ Sr. Developer

Zeta Softech is an e-commerce, web engineering and Design firm based in India. Zeta Softech is 100% EOU. Company has also launched few products mainly ZetaVoize (VOIP), ZetaCRM.


Project: Preference Walker Project Leader/Programmer

Client: Offshore.

Duration: March 2003 to May 2003

Description: Preference Walker is a General Purpose PC tool developed using Java 2 Preference API. As windows registry keeps the information of all the programs installed in windows OS, in a very similar fashion Preferences allows to maintain any information in key value format, Provided with the very similar user interface as Windows Registry Editor this tool allows users to set and modify System (Global) as well as users (Local) preferences stored at clients system.

In windows this directly deals with Windows Registry and maintains the preference information in windows registry itself.

In Unix/Linux these preferences are stored in a file format.

Technology: Java Preference API, JFC

Team Size: 3

Role: Project Lead, Programmer

Nature of Duties:

Project: Solaris Fitness Gym Mgmt System

Client: Solaris Fitness World, Pune (

Duration: July 2002 to January 2003

Description: is a gym administration and management web site, which helps the gym to perform on line operations and to maintain on line information across different branches in distributed environment. While information like member’s attendance, Fee Structure, Online Admission form, Member ship details like member ship expiry date etc can be accessed and modified from different locations, the central database acts as a single point of changes within the distributed environment. Modifications to the key information like Gum Facilities, Batches are kept in the central server only and then further it is replicated to other branch server. Only administrator has the access to central database server.

The web site divided in two sections, one for the members/visitors and another one for the administrative purpose. It is based on distributed database environment. Different branches have their own local databases, which gets synchronised with the central database in a fix period of time.

Technology: Servlet, JDBC 2.0, HTML, JavaScript MS SQL 2000 and JRun

Team Size: 6

Role: Project Leader

Nature of Duties:

Project: BillSoft

Client: Airtel, Nagpur

Duration: March 2002 to May 2002

Description: BILLSOFT aims to support vendors by providing activities related to Mobile Numbers / SIM Numbers Distribution and other accessories associated with it. BILLSOFT as generalized software provides functionality useful for the vendor to calculate their periodic collection from market as well as payments due for branch office. Another aspect of BILLSOFT is tracking of marketing executives as well as office coordinators performance.

The software is for Mobile/Sim number distributors maintaining team of Direct Marketing Executives & Office Coordinators for marketing of mobile/sim numbers and related products / accessories.

Technology: Servlet, JDBC 2.0, HTML, JavaScript Oracle 8 and Apache Tomcat 4.1

Team Size: 4

Role: Team Member / Client Coordinator

Nature of Duties:

Project: Customer Relationship Management (ZCRM) Team Leader/Programmer

Client: Product

Duration: September 2001 to March 2002

Description: It's a web native Enterprise solution that provides various interactive facilities for different categories of users. The Management level people can directly scan the extract of data that appears for a customer or the CSR (Customer Service Representative).It contains the modules such as Sales Force Automation, Employee Relationship Management, Partner Relationship Management, automated processes such as Marketing and Email Management, Work Flow Management, Finance and Support. The voice and text chat support the purpose. Incorporation of a call centre with the solution was a proposed module.

Technology: Java2, Swings, Java Mail, JDBC, HTML, Oracle 8 and JRun

Team Size: 10

Role: Project Leader and Sr. Developer

Nature of Duties:

Project: Enterprise Voice Application Programmer

Client: Cedar Software Ltd, UK

Duration: January 2001 to July 2001

Description: Enterprise VoiZe Application comprises of wide range of VoiZe application products like Zeta VoiZe One2One, Zeta VoiZe Conference, Zeta VoiZe Intranet and Zeta Text Chat. Critical factors in VoiZe products: Virtual Desktop provided by Zeta VoiZe is fully loaded with many unique features, which enables the user to perform certain tasks besides having a voice conversation. Task management, Scheduler, File transfer, Email transfer, Proxy support

Technology: Java Sound, Java Mail, Servlets, JDBC, HTML, MS-Access and Java Web Server

Team Size: 8

Role: Team Leader

Nature of Duties:

Company Ascent Computing Group India Pvt. Ltd. Pune, India Programmer

Project: Database Replication

Client: Ascent Computing Group, US.

Duration: January 2000 to February 2000

Description: Project involves a mirroring of data from one database to other remotely located database. Changes and updating in database were bind with remote object using RMI and these changes were reflected in remote database using RMI.

Technology: AWT, RMI, JDBC, Oracle 8

Team Size: 3

Role: Team Leader and Co-ordinator.

Nature of Duties:

Project: Multiple Vendor E commerce Solution Programmer

Client: Ascent Computing Group (Academic Project)

Duration: Sept’ 99 to Jan’2000

Description: The software includes two versions i.e. designing web site and providing strong back-end engine. The software is based on Three-Tier Architecture. It provides multiple vendors to come under one roof & sell their products, maintaining their identity & isolation. The software strength is its vendor wizard & customer wizard.


Technology: Java 2, Servlets, JDBC, HTML, JavaScript, and Oracle 8

Team Size: 3

Role: Team Member

Nature of Duties:

Other Projects

Project: Local Database Replication Utility Programmer

Description: This utility is developed in Java. Using this you can specify a source and destination Database and replicate all data / tables.

Project: Ztray Programmer

Description: This is a small utility developed in Java -cpp. This can be attached to any Java application, for displaying a System tray Icon and handling events for the same.

Project: Web Based Report Generator Programmer

Description: An intelligent Servlet which automatically generates a HTML Report Dynamically according to the configuration specified in a configuration file. An administration Wizard is also provided to edit the configuration file.



Java2 Brainbench Certified Professional -2000

PL SQL Brainbench Certified Professional -2000

HTML Brainbench Certified Professional -2000


Personal Information

Date of Birth : 23rd March 1977

Contact No. : +91-07692-20609

Mobile : +020 31064433

Marital Status : Single

Languages known : Hindi and English.

Email :

Passport No : B2889723