The Checklist (TM 1-1520-237-CL) for the UH-60A/UH-60L/EH-60A is now online in Adobe .PDF format! Detailed Procedures (Pages P-1 through P-58, 1.45MB) and Normal/Emergency Procedures (A through E-32, 329KB). You will need Adobe's Acrobat Reader 3.0 to view the files.
The checklist and chapters 5 and 9 are outdated. I am no longer in the Army and will not be updating them.
Chapter 5 (Adobe .PDF format, 707KB)(Change 1 of the latest version 31 OCT 96)
Chapter 9 (Adobe .PDF format, 1.44MB) Change 1.
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This site was linked to from CNN's website on the July 8, 1997 story about the crash of a UH-60 at Ft. Bragg, NC.
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