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    Hi my name is Sandy. I am 21 years old.
    My daily hobbies are being with my boy friend Joel, with whom I enjoy doing a lot of fun things.
    My favorite teams are the New York Yankees, Giants, NY Knicks, 76rs, Jazz, Blazers, Rams, and the Vikings.Those are just a few of my favorite teams. Also I just lost my best friend Hennie, who died from cancer on July,24,2001 at 12:48pm.
    She was my boy friend Joel-Mother. They cared a geat deal about each other.
    We love you Hennie and will always miss you. God is with you forever now.
    We love you Hennie and RIP your Daughter in law forever. Sandy Blease

    It's now the end of year 2002 and my web page has been upgraded. I hope that who ever vivit at my web page will give me their honest opinion. ok!.
    Hope you enjoy my web page.

    Please scroll down to see a pic of Joel and I.

    Check this out!
    Yankees are the best and we're going to do it this year, and 2003.
    lets go Jazz Malone. We have to do it this year.
    You're the best.
    Lets go New York Giants. You know you're still my team, and we're going to do it this year for foot ball. Anyways I hope you enjoy my web page and may God bless.
