
We been heah a while now, an' we slow but?
Can check da 'Links to things Hawaiian' (jus' cleek on 'um) while you waitin'?

Links to things Hawaiian!

Surf Planet Hawaiifrom your browser.
Read the Honolulu 'on-line' edition.

Hawaiian cowries (Leho in Hawaiian) interest you?
Da BES' site on the web is THE CAPTURED COWRY!!
And, for LOADS of info on these shells from the pages of
the Hawaiian Shell News, check out the Archive site of THE CAPTURED COWRY.

The Hawaiian Home Page:
is a not-for-profit, FROM-THE-HEART effort
to help ho`oulu (make flourish) the Hawaiian language and culture.
It is an All-in-One Reference Page on Hawaiian Culture -- a "Crash Course" on Things Hawaiian, if you will.
And it's manuahi (free)!

You like to play hanafuda?
There is a web page with images of all the cards and a rulebook for the game "Sakura."
Check 'em out at

A dictionary for Hawaiian words at

Find your Hawaiian name at

Check out Waikiki Beach at
or watch the fish at the Waikiki Aquarium at

Check out Takahashi Market in California at;
they can ship you some ono goodies, plus recipes, and all kine stuff!

Visit the Honolulu Star-Bulletin Aloha Worldwide site at
Here you will find calendars of events happening across America and worldwide of interest to people who love Hawaii and Hawaiian style.
You will also find resources of interest to "locals" living abroad, like where to get crackseed on the Worldwide Web, photos of plate lunches and Hawaiian music on the Web.

Want a lei for prom, graduation, a wedding?
Check out Royal Hawaiian Leis at
They have pictures of their products, as well as Lei care information.

Two Hawaiian music links are and
Auntie Mele's site also has a lot of links to other areas of interest, not just music!

Everything Hawaii at has local style jokes, High School Directories, and more!

Hawaiian Jamz website --commercial-free Hawaiian music programs 24-hours daily

Can e-mail us, you know, at, don' mattah if you Haole, one Kanaka, o' da kine Pake, o' Potaghee, one Kamaaina -- whatevah! -- we jus' like heah from you, O.K.?! We all ohana so let us know you out deah.

Can check us out lots, eh? Soon we get mo' info about t'ings an' stuffs from da Islands.


We get visits awready since starting our homepage but can always use mo'. Mahalo!