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Welcome to Polecat Park Web Page! You may be wondering why it is called the Polecat Park web page. Well, quite frankly, so were we. It goes back a few years..... The name began about thirty years ago as the name of a barren piece of property in southwestern Virginia, which was spoken of with great affection at the time. I guess the idea probably sprang from one of the owners at the time crossing paths with one of the aforementioned critters on the way to the park for which it eventually was named. There is nothing really significant about the property, other than scenic mountains, beautiful lakefront, and an entrance road that eventually turns to gravel, then dirt, and continues past signs reading "Drive with Caution, No Road" or "Speed Limit 120" or similar. Anyway, the name caught on, and I have affectionately adopted it here.
Well, this certainly is the beginning. Perhaps I will now take time to learn that Hope To Make LInes programming language(HTML) It's fun learning! ....come back from time to time to watch the construction, links, and to see what's new!!
My thanks to InfiniteFish for the neat backgrounds.
Look for links in the future to Karen's Web Site, Kristi's Web Site, and who knows, maybe even Judy's Web Site !! Stay tuned.....
Enjoy your visit to my little Universe! Come again soon.........
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