Did you all have a good week???
My name is ATHENA:
I am a 19 year old girl from Edmonton, AB Canada. Many of my friends have told
me that my home page JUST TAKES TOO LONG TO LOAD UP!!!. So I have decided
it might be best to change it around a little. The BSB and music pics are now
located at Athena's Music Page
The stuff about me and my family is still right here:
My parents on the run! (hee hee)
My doggie peeing!
This is a picture of "the group" at my best friend's surprise birthday party in 1996
This is a picture at my high school graduation, with my friend Margo's family and mine.
I miss my gram so much, this is her when she got married in the 1950's.
This is my fave pen pal in the whole world, KEN LEWINS...(ain't he gorgeous?)
Margo and my friend Cindy at graduation.
I participate in a youth parlement every year and this is a pic from it. With my friends Luc, Christine, Pierre and Serge.
Our annual vacation to Radium Hot Springs, BC
A pic with my friends Andrew, Jason and Ken
My friend Melissa and my friend Gabe.
Summer of 1998 in Arditsa, Greece.
Front covers of some CD's I like.
Emma (baby spice)...the BEST spice girl.
One of my best friends...Jimmy.
Summer 1998, Taken at the Acropolis, Athens, Greece.
A picture of me at home (March 1998).
Ronan, the BEST member of Boyzone.
Taken in the coastal city of Halkida, Greece (summer 1998).
My grad photo (1997)
Taken on my friend Margo's birthday in September 1998
Almost the same as the previous pic
I just returned from California and I am now obsessed with the character TIMON from the Lion King
close up pics of Meerkats
The BEST team in the world... PANATHINAIKOS
One of my closest friends... Francois
My favorite singer in the entire world... Robbie Williams!
After my trip to California in February, I have decided, I am moving to San Diego when I'm older...
Isn't this Ferric Fox cute?
I also fell in love with the animals in California...
Disneyland is the happiest place on earth
A picture of me and my friend Hroni last summer in Greece
I went to the Moffatt's autograph signing, here's a pic (I know, I'm too old for the Moffatts!!!)
A close up of Scott Moffatt
A close up of Dave Moffatt
My friend Eric and I
A recent picture of some of my family in Greece
My cousin's fiancee
My URL: http://come.to/example
I got it for free at http://come.to
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Links to other sites on the Web
My friend from Quebec's page- ROBBIE
Parlement Jeunesse de l'Alberta
Ben's page (How bizarre)
My Best Friend's page
My friend Margo's page.
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