Welcome to TheJinx's page.
I will be trying to make it more exciting, when I think of something more exciting.

This is me trying to look cool, drinking lime daiquiris out of a Disney glass. How did I do?
Other parts of my page.
Pictures of where me and the other weirdoes go.
Wanna see my Alter ego
What is considered a healthy college diet?
A few links.
Why not visit my friend Trvold
Why not visit Trvold's other page?
If you would like to visit me, I can be found at The Darkhorse Tavern on Friday or Saturday night. I am in the back room under the t.v.
If you want to visit me in the afternoon, look for me outside of the Willard Building on the Penn State campus. I am there some time between noon and 4p.m. on most days. I go there to listen to the Willard Preacher .
Since November 14,1996
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visitor to my page.
© 1996 ree106@psu.edu
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