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This is my personal web site. I have tried to design a home where everyone is invited. There pages are for all ages. The kids page will take you to sites all over the world. Golf page is one of the most complete on the net and updated constantly. Active Worlds is a new style web browser that takes you to 3D worlds where one can make a fantasy come true. Search Engines is a page where I have placed some of the best of the best along with a people search. The News page will give a multitude information on all subjects. The web site also contains allot of help areas for web designers. We have a web design page that has links and help areas from various sites as well as where to get space, guestbooks, counters, java and all the accessories that you will need to make a page yourself. Paintshop Pro is my favorite graphic program and I have provided a help area. I have also included some of my instruction pages and links to others. Last but not least, I have the awards page. I have several pages for awards received for this site and a page for you to take a chance on winning the Shark Award for Excellence. Thank you for visiting and please bookmark this page. It is updated daily and new things are being added all the time.


My name is Mark and I am a 42 year old father of three kids, two boys and a girl. They are all young and it is important that they and others get a chance to see the good side of the internet . The kids links are checked regularly for content as well as all of the links here. I have been on the internet for 14 years now in some form and have seen so many changes that it would take days to mention them all. The new net is much better and much easier. It is also safer and more  informative for all travelers. I do hope this page will be of service to you. Thanks for visiting and  please sign the guestbook so that I know that you were here.