Holidays I've been on:

Holiday number 1: 1993 England & Scotland & LA

Things I saw: Castles (lots of them), Lakes (Lake District), London (on a open double decker),

Holiday number 2: January 1994 Omarama - Kiwiglide

I spent two weeks at Kiwiglide which was the pre-world gliding competition in Omarama. It was really hot and dusty but luckily there was a swimming pool at the airfield. Had a great time although it was pretty tiring. I dont want to ever wash another glider again!!!

Holiday number 3: 1994 Fiji

Things I did:

Holiday number 4: 1995 Hawaii

Things I did:

Holiday number 5: May 1995 Australia

Places I went: Hartley Creek Crocodile Park where I held a snake (my favourite animal) and a baby crocodile, Port Douglas (where my Nanna and Grand-dad live), Cairns, Herberton (where my Aunty Trish lives), Atherton, Green Island (where we went out in a glass-bottomed boat and saw the reef and heaps of fish)

Holiday number 6: 1996 England, France, Italy, Switzerland (one foot), Slovenia (two feet), Austria, then Through Germany. Luxenburg, Belguim. Back to England then France and Spain. Back to England then LA

Things I saw:Grand Canyon(In France),Matterhorn(In Italy),kinder Surprise Factory,Leaning tower of pisa,Leonardo`s Museum, .

Links to other sites on the Web

Our Families Fun Page
My Dads New Zealand Gliding Page

My Brother Jone's PageThis what my brother looks like

More to come soon..

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