David Spiritual Links
Praise to Jesus and Mary
Hvaljen Isus I Maria!
This Homepage is humbly dedicated to Our Lady Queen of Peace.
And placed under the patronship of St. David.
Prayers to
Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Prayers to Mary, the
Blessed Mother.
Holy See Vatican Website. 
Welcome to this homepage which is, in the main, regarding links to websites
on spirituality, particularly Catholic Christian spirituality.
God Our Father,
Help us to hear Your Son.
Enlighten us with Your Word,
that we may find the way to Your Glory.
Opening prayer for the
2nd Sunday of Lent.
From the time of Adam, God has spoken to His saints and prophets
throughvisions, dreams, and inner voices...
- Akita Apparitions.
- Apparitions and Eucharistic Miracles.
- Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Medjugorje
- Catholic Apparitions of Jesus and Mary.
- Stepping Stones to Catholic Apparitions & Miracles.
Associations, Clubs and
Many Catholic Christian Associations, Clubs, Organizations and Societies
thrive under the mantle of the Church. Here are several of those available on
the net.
- Belmont Abbey Monastery.
- Catholic Charismatic Center.
- Catholic Health Association of Canada.
- Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights.
- Catholic Mothers Internet Connection
- Catholic Peace Officers Association Home Page.
- Catholics United for Life.
- Knanaya Catholic Community
- Knights of Columbus.
- Korean Catholics.
- Lks Augustins de l'Assomption.
- Maronite Catholic Church of Australia.
- Monks of Adoration.
- Opus Dei
- Presentation Brothers.
- St. Paschal Baylon's Young Adult Community Home page
- Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Society
- Vision.
- Young Saints Club
Catholic Resources
There are plenty of sites dealing with Catholic Resources in the internet.
Here are some of the better ones.
- AlaPadre's Catholic Corner
- Apologetics for Catholics and other Christians
- Australian Catholic Enquiry Centre
- Biblical Evidence for Catholicism
- Catholic Answers: Apologetics and Evangelisations.
- Catholic Biblical Apologetics
- Catholic Encyclopedia
- Catholic Online
- Catholic Resources on the Net
- Catholic Return Homepage
- Catholic Teachings
- Dr. Scott Hahn links page.
- Et Cum Spiritu Tuo.
- Internet Theology Resources
- My Catholic Start Page
- New Advent Catholic Website
- Our Lady of the Rosary Library.
- PetersNet Homepage.
- Pillar of Fire, Pillar of Truth.
- Second Vatican Ecumenical Council
- Scriptural Catholicism.
- St. Benedict Center.
- Timeline of the Catholic Church.
Christian Education
Links to websites on Christian Education.
- American Catholic Online Home Page
- Catholic Bible School, U.K.
- Catholic Center at Georgia Tech.
- Catholic Distance University
- CEF.
- CEN.
- Catholic Homeschoolers of Texas.
- Catholic Homeschooling in Maryland.
- Catholic K-12 Education Online.
- Catholic School Education Benefits Students.
- Catholic Schools, Colleges, and Academic Departments.
- Catholic Schools on the Net.
- College of Saint Benedict & Saint John's University
- Franciscan University of Steubenville
- La Salle University in Philadelphia
- NTU-Catholic Students' Apostolate Home Page.
- Pontifical University of St.Thomas Aquinas.
- Resources for Catholic Educators.
- St. Augustine College of South Africa.
- The Triumph of the Cross in Catholic Education.
Christian Miscellany
An assortment of other Christian links in the net. In theory, anything
good under the stars, regardless of color, can come in here, as long as
it is relevant to the Catholic Christian Church and cannot be readily included
in the other pages in this website.
- Bible Reflections
- Bread on the waters
- Catholic Calendar Page
- Catholic Internet Directory
- CatholiCity
- Catholic Saints
- Catholic Saints Links
- Catholic Webatorium
- Communion of Saints
- End Days
- Franciscan Cyberspot
- Gregorian Chant
- Man of the Year, John Paul II
- Moralmedia.
- Mother Teresa
- Mystical Rose Home Page.
- Nobel Laureates from East Timor.
- Padre Pio's Homepage/ Padre Pio Foundation of America
- Patron Saints
- Peace Page.
- Pornography
- RCNet
- Read Me or Rue it.
- RCNet
- Siostry i Bracia Grupy Zielonej WAPM.
- St. Ignatius of Loyola
- Ten commandments for peace on roads
- There Are Catholic Theologians...
- Welcome to the Roman Catholic Church
Archdioceses, dioceses, cathedrals, churches, chapels are listed in this
webpage reflecting the rich diversity, universality and unity of Holy Mother
Church on this earth.
- Holy See Vatican Website.
- Archdioceses:
- Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne.
- Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. John's
- Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore
- Dioceses:
- Diocese of Auckland.
- Catholic Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle
- Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong.
- Diocese of Manchester Web
- Cathedral:
- Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.
- Sacred Heart Cathedral
- Parishes:
- Santo Niño Parish, Tacloban City, Leyte Island, Philippines.
- Churches:
- California's Holy Family Catholic Church
- St. Anthony's Church, Hong Kong.
- St. Anthony's Church, Mandeni, RSA.
- St. David's Catholic Church
- St. George Maronite Catholic Church.
- Saints Mary and Joseph Church, St. Louis.
- St. Michael Church
- St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church.
- St. Patrick Catholic Church.
- St. Paul Catholic Church, Bergen, Norway.
- St. Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Church.
- Triumph of the Cross Old Catholic Church.
- Tsukuba Catholic Church.
- General Communions, Conferences, Groups:
- Web Site of the Catholic Church in Europe.
- Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church
Holy Cross.
Through the cross, Jesus triumphs over death... .
- Triumph of the Cross.
- St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) on the Cross
- The Way of the Cross according to St. Alphonsus De Liguori.
- Stations of the Cross, Via Crucis, and Via Dolorosa
- Corpus/Crucifix V.S. Cross/Risen Christ
- Altar Crucifix.
- The Triumph of the Cross in Catholic Education.
- Apologetics:- Bible Study: Triumph of the Cross.
- The Triumph of the Cross by Rev. Nicholas Cirillo.
Information, magazines and news.
Netsites on information and news on Catholic Christian activities..
- Catholic Digest.
- Catholic Family Perspectives.
- Catholic Information Center on Internet.
- Catholic Information Network (CIN).
- Catholic Kiosk.
- Catholic World News.
- Catholic World News Updates.
- Heaven.
- Information Leaflets on the Roman Catholic Faith.
- World Radio Network.
Marian Pages
- Apparitions
- Heart of Mary Ministry
- Homepage of the Immaculate
- Immaculate of Mary Homepage
- Marianland
- Mediatrix of all Graces
- Our Lady's Five Weapons Of Salvation
- Our Lady of Sorrows
- Prayers to Mary, the Blessed Mother..Why do we pray to Mary?
- Rosary Center
- The Blessed Virgin Mary
- The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje.
- Understanding Catholic Devotion to Mary;
Personal Homepages
- The Official Susan Bailey Home Page.
- David Bryan Homepage.
- Father Cedric's Web Site.
- Christina Covarrubias Homepage.
- Stewart Duffie Homepage.
- Emmett's Homepage.
- The Home Page of Victor Hoagland, C.P.
- Welcome to Karen's Place: Home of the New Kid on the Block.
- ..the endless website of Kathleen..
- It's ... Elizabeth T. Knuth's Home Page.
- Ed LoPresti Homepage.
- McCloskey's Perspectives.
- Father Daniel Meynen's Site.
- David Mitchell's Homepage.
- Don and Edith Morales.
- Nancy's Website.
- The Palm Family.
- David Pentrack's Home Page!
- The Home Page of Father Manuel Prado Ray-Baltar.
- Graham's Home Page. (Graham Sivills)
- Thinking Catholic. (Shirley Vaughan.)
- Father Gary Ziuraitis Homepage
Websites dedicated to prayers.
- Prayers to Jesus.
- Prayers to Mary, The Blessed Mother.
- Jubilee Prayer
- Catholic Beliefs and Prayers.
- Catholic Prayers.
- The Nine Ways of Prayer of St. Dominic.
- Online Catholic Prayer Book.
- Oratio Sancti Iohannis Chrysostomi.
- Prayer of St. Ignatius.
- Prayer in the Home Press, Inc.
- Rosary Center
Quotable SpiritualQuotes
Powerful quotes from the Holy Bible, the Saints and others. Try to live
To date, the quotes are taken from:
- The Holy Bible;
- Our Lady (Fatima, Medjugorje);
- St. Alphonsus Liguori;
- St. Ambrose;
- St. Angela Merici;
- St. Anthony of Padua.
- St. Augustine;
- St. Bernard of Clairvaux;
- St. Boniface;
- St. Catherine of Siena;
- St. Dominic;
- St. Francis of Assisi;
- St. Francis de Sales;
- St. Gregory the Great;
- St. Hilary;
- St. Jacinta of Fatima;
- Saint Jeanne d'Arc;
- St. John Chrysostom;
- St. John Berchmans;
- St. Giovanni Melchior Bosco;
- St. John of the Cross;
- St. John of Kanty;
- St. John Nepomucen Neumann;
- St John Vianney.
- Pope St. Leo the Great.;
- St. Louis de Montfort.;
- St. Margaret Mary;
- St. Maximilian Kolbe;
- Pope St. Peter;
- St. Peter of Verona;
- St. Philip Neri;
- Pope St. Pius X.
- St. Polycarp;
- St. Rose of Lima;
- St. Stephen of Hungary;
- St. Therese of Lisieux;
- St. Thomas Aquinas;
- Bl. Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer;
- Bl. Louis Guanella ;
- Venerable James Alberione;
- Thomas a' Kempis;
- Padre Pio;
- Mother Teresa
- Pope John Paul II;
- Bernard Cardinal Law;
- Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger
- Alphonse M. Cappa, S.S.P.
- Rev. Fr. John Gallagher, S.J.
- Rev. Bede Naegale, O.C.D.; and
- Jacov Colo of Medjugorje;
- Marija Pavlovic of Medjugorje
- Other valuable sources.
Updated regularly.
Quotable Spiritual Quotes
The quotes from Quotable Spiritual Quotes arranged and listed under
various categories including:
- Abortion;
- Anger;
- Anxiety/ Worry;
- Apostasy;
- Bible;
- Calumny;
- Charity;
- Children;
- Church;
- Commandments;
- Consideration;
- Conversation;
- Cross;
- Damnation;
- Death;
- Debt;
- Duty;
- Error;
- Eternity;
- Euthanasia;
- Eucharist;
- Faith;
- Fasting;
- Favoritism;
- Flesh;
- Forgiveness;
- Friendship
- Glory;
- Grace;
- Happiness;
- Harmony;
- Hate;
- Hell;
- Holy Spirit;
- Human weakness;
- Humility;
- Idleness;
- Impurity;
- Inventions;
- Joy;
- Justice;
- Kindness;
- Life;
- Light;
- Love;
- Material possesion;
- Mercy;
- Mind;
- Obedience;
- Parents;
- Patience;
- Peace;
- Perseverance;
- Prayer;
- Pride;
- Priest;
- Providence;
- Repentence;
- Salvation;
- Satan;
- Sin;
- Slander;
- Soul;
- Suffering;
- Temptation;
- Truth;
- Virtue;
- Wisdom;
- Work; and
- Worry;
Updated regularly.

The way of the cross is
the one leading to God.
- St. John Bosco.
on the web.
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since 17 September 1996.

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Launched on 14 September 1996: Feastday of the Triumph
of the Cross.
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Ave Maria.