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Tonga Nuku'alofa Mission
Liana and Siope Liana's BEBO
Robert and Abi
Joel and Meilani
Joel and Meilani's BLOG
Jacob and Mandy
Article about my senior art show

Article in magazine "Designing Women" about my work


My husband is from TONGA and we lived there for 13 years before moving to Hawaii. He served as the mission president in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Tonga Nuku'alofa Mission from 1989 - 1992. We have a page for the mission here

Aloha! I'm Ruth Elayne Kongaika. Since my children and grandchildren are my biggest joy, I'll share their news.

Liana works as a nurse in SLC and Siope Kinikini as a youth counselor and they have a beautiful daughter, Rachel Ileina.

Robert and Abigail Kongaika moved to Hawaii June 2007. He serves at Hickam Air Force Base. We enjoy having the grandchildren, Israel, Princess, James and Robbie close by.

Joel and Meilani just moved to Utah. We miss them already. Joel works for Imagine Learning and Meilani teaches singing lessons. They have Anna, Eryn, and Joseph James Aholelei. They will have an addition to their family soon. Check back.

Jacob and Mandy have been working with Sellaband and are busy being parents to Jacob, Zion, and Izabella. Cubworld (Jacob) recorded his first professional album in NYC.

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We Live on the North Shore in HAWAII!

I was raised in Central Utah. You can find the greatest ski slopes, magnificent mountains and peaceful valleys in Utah.Rob Anderson Family

AddMe.com, Search Engine Marketing Deep Hawaii, Hawaii travel directory
Hawaii-search fineartamerica.com
artwanted.com Behance
Eyefetch.com Fine Arts Originals
Artdeadline.com talentbase.com
Sites of Polynesia
Power By Ringsurf
Artdeadline.com Essential Art Links
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