Airwarriors Lair!!!

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Greetings Everyone!

Special Forces Creed

I am an American Special Forces soldier. A professional! I will do all that my nation requires of me. I am a volunteer, knowing well the hazards of my profession. I serve with the memory of those who have gone before me: Roger's Rangers, Francis Marion, Mosby's Rangers, the first Special Forces and Ranger Battalions of Service World War II, the Airborne Ranger Companies of Korea. I pledge to uphold the honor and integrity of all I am - in all I do.I am a professional soldier. I will teach and fight wherever my nation requires. I will strive always, to excel in every art and artifice of war. I know that I will be called upon to perform tasks in isolation, far from familiar faces and voices, with the help and guidance of my God. I will keep my mind and body clean, alert and strong, for this is my debt to those who depend upon me I will not fail those with whom I serve. I will not bring shame upon myself or the forces. I will maintain myself, my arms, and my equipment in an immaculate state as befits a Special Forces soldier. I will never surrender though I be the last. If I am taken, I pray that I may have the strength to spit upon my enemy.My goal is to succeed in any mission - and live to succeed again.I am a member of my nation's chosen soldiery. God grant that I may not be found wanting, that I will not fail this sacred trust.

Night Stalker Prayer

Father of the heavens and the night; Stretch forth Your almighty arms to strengthen and protect us. Even as You gave Saint Michael, Your angelic warrior, power to do spiritual battle in the heavens,so give us power to command the darkened skies. Guide and direct us in the defense of our country and in the maintenance of justice among the nations. Give us the courage to face all obstacles that might keep us from our time on target. Send Your holy Angels to protect the precious cargo which we carry; the elite Special Operations forces of the United States. Sustain us in the hour of danger with the knowledge of Your mercy are to return us safely home. Watch over our families when we can not. May Your presence give them comfort, and Your love lend them the courage to face each day, confident in the knowledge that You will never leave them nor forsake them. Protect them with Your unfailing mercy and grace. Grant then wherever we serve, we may be loyal to our proud heritage. Make us to choose the harder right over the easier wrong, and never to be content with a half truth when the whole can be won. May we ever embody the principles upon which the Night Stalkers are founded and serve proudly with the memory of those who have gone before. Give us the courage to fight to win and the faith to die rather than quit. Because, Night Stalkers Don’t Quit!


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