Ben & Brenda
Our Grandaughter, Mallory

Our Grand Kids Mallory and Bo

My wife, Brenda, and I are suffering from untreated collectorism! We collect FDCs, Stamps, Books, Silver, Dishes, and a 100 other things.
Vacations are centered around attending book, stamp, postcard, antique and other shows and sales. We go to the Boston/Philadelphia areas twice a year in search of more junk.
We also attend shows in Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Austin, Little Rock and Shreveport on a regular basis in search of those elusive treasures for our collections.
The American First Day Cover Society show and convention is held at different locations across the U.S. once a year and we always attend. The next one is in Somerset NJ. I will be happy to email details if you want them.
We also collect Fiesta and Franciscan Ivy dishes and they are in daily use in our home.
Other Wants:
Pre-1950 U. S. Travel Booklets
Any Pre-1950 Natchez MS Items
Any 1936 Texas Centennial Items
First Day Cover Collections
New Texas First Day Covers
New Texas First Day Covers
 776-Unlisted Variety
 776-Unlisted Variety
 776-Unlisted Variety - Lottie Eshliman
 776-203V - George Leffert
 776-103A - R. L. Breswick
 776-187-West Haven Boys Club

776-181 Wilson

776-Unlisted Beazell

776 #1R Boothe - Roosevelt

776 #1L Boothe - Eilenberger

Marshall Hall

Marshall Hall

B. R. McIntyre

B. R. MacIntyre


776 #1 Boothe Roosevelt

776 #1 Boothe

Marshall Hall

Marshall Hall

B. R. McIntyre

B. R. MacIntyre