Pic Master's Domain
The real Pic
Welcome to my Homepage!!
This is my first attempt, so please bear with me as I sweep out the cobwebs and set up. Grab a cold one from the fridge and sit for awhile! Let's see, most who will visit, will know me as "The Pic Master..NOT!! from Parentsplace,where I like to chat with other parents about everything under the sun.
I suppose a little bio of sorts is in order. As you can tell from my flag, I am Canadian but am presently living in Texas for a few years. I have 3 sons, all blonde haired and blue eyed! Dakota, who is 7, is my budding little genius! He just never ceases to amaze me.They say that children are like little sponges, well,he is a huge sponge..always wants to know the how,why and when of everything! If he keeps up at this pace, he will conquer the world by age 10..*L*. Next, we have Conlan, who is almost 6. He is probably the most compassionate and loving person I know. He's my little philosophizing, pacifist..This little fellow was asked by a neighbour for some of his Halloween candy for the other children because he was running out, and to the neighbour's surprise, Conlan gave him his pumpkin and said "Sure, take as much as you need!" Needless to say, Conlan is just the type of friend we all hope to have one day!! Last but not least, there is the baby of the bunch,Tiernan,who is just coming up 4. When he's not running around the house at full tilt, head down and arms thrown behind him(less friction that way),he's jumping up and down in your lap laughing his little head off. He is definitely the most fun of all three boys.
Pic's Family
OK..well, I'm trying to update this page and put some really cool stuff on here...Since I began this page, I have gone full force into
Scuba Diving..so, in a few weeks, I will have some underwater pictures, locations that make good diving and a "Dive Buddy" list as well..
A couple of summers ago, we went on a short Jungle Trek through Southern Mexico, in order to learn a little about the Ancient Mayans.Not knowing how big the ruins were,we thought we would also be able to go to Honduras and Guatemala all in one trip! Well, we did mange to see 4 or 5 different ruins, all of which are in Mexico..the most famous of which is Chichen Itza. In the "Temple de Kulkucan" or "La Castillo", lies a red jaguar with green jade eyes.The pyramid is named for the "wing god/feather serpent god, Kulkucan. On each of the staircases (4 in all, each consisting of 91 steps) is a large serpents head.
Next we, have "El Caracol", the observatory. Also, there is the The temple of a thousand columns
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