Korean Penpal

Korean Guy Seeks Penpals

Hello and welcome to my homepage. I am just getting started, so I hope you will be patient while I unpack a few boxes and move into my new Homepage. My Name is Sang Jong Han, and I am from Korea.(I guess you could not tell with the Korean flag all over my page). I was born April 25, 1972 by the asian lunar calendar. My purpose in creating my homepage was to make pen friends all over the world, and meet interesting people.

I am a little bit conservative, but I am a typical Korean guy. I like to talk with people and go out for drinks. I really want to share in an open and frank discussion with people by regular mail. My email address is katusa@geocities.com.

My Address:
1440-28 Shillim 5 Dong
Kwan-ak Ku Seoul 151-150

My Career: (pretty boring stuff)

On March 1991, I joined Kyung-Hee University in Seoul to study economics. From Aug 9, 1993 to October 12, 1995, I finished my military obligation in KATUSA (Korean Augmentation to the United States Army). My unit was A Battery 8th Batallian 8th Field Artillery. My MOS was 13B. I was a real artillery man. I miss my time in basic training and my unit friends. Now it is 1997, and I am a junior at my University.

My university circle is the Time Dong-ari. In Korea we have many student activities on the campus. Among them, I liked to participate in the Time Dong-ari, because I can figure out what is going on in the world through Time magazine. In addition, I meet a lot of nice people in that group.

In my free time I like to think alot about my future, my travels, and my studies.

The following are some pictures taken during my stay in the USA.

Click here to see a picture of me in San Diego.
Click here to see a picture of me in Santa Fe.
Click here to see a picture of me with my friend in Santa Fe.
Click here to see another picture of me with my friend in Santa Fe.
Click here to see a picture of me with my six angels in St. Louis.

Korean Links:

Korean Herald Newspaper

Korean Web Weekly

East Asia in Cyberspace: Korea

KorSearch: A Search Engine of Korean Related Sites

Other Links:
Time Worldwide Magazine

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This page last updated 07/20/96