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Welcome to the wacky world of Leigh & Dennis. We lived in South Korea from January of 1993 until September of 1997. We had the opportunity to travel to some incredible places in Asia. Along with the massive amount of air miles we logged, the truly amazing number of mini-bottles we sucked down and the huge assortment of airline meals we ingested, we've collected quite a few photos, accumulated numerous travel tips and acquired many momentos (Some of which we're STILL trying to identify!) We hope you enjoy your visit with us.
NOTE: Well, here we are, back in "The Land of the Morning Calm", aka South Korea. We arrived back here June of 2000 for an unspecified period. WOW, things have sure changed! They actually have Domino's Pizza here now!
In an effort to entertain and inform our families, friends and anybody else who happens to stumble in here, we've assembled a list of our most valuable travel tips, followed by a brief overview of some of our most exciting Asian adventures!
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