Woza se Tuisbladsy  Woza's Home Page
U is besoeker nommer  sedert 28 November 1996
You are visitor number  since 28 November 1996

Welkom by Woza se Tuisbladsy - meestal bedoel vir inligting oor Suid-Afrika.
Welcome to Woza's Home Page - mostly intended for links to and about South Africa.

Ek is 'n aktuaris by Sanlam in Kaapstad, Suid-Afrika. My belangstellings is reis (veral in Suid-Afrika en Brittanje), sport (veral krieket en gholf), tale, geskiedenis en godsdiens. Verder is daar ook lyste vir inkopies, nuusgebeure en die internet beskikbaar en party van my vriende om te besoek.

I am an actuary employed by Sanlam in Cape Town, South Africa. My interests are travel (especially in South Africa and Britain), sport (especially cricket and golf), languages and religion. I also have links to shopping, news and the internet available and some of my friends to visit.

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