Welcome and greetings from the sunny island of MALTA
About Me
I love to travel, and the USA is the best I have seen with New York City as my favorite.As regards Europe I love Italy and I also enjoyed Portugal.I would surely suggest to you out there to come and visit my country MALTA.We have a great history and we can boast of Sunshine practically all year round.
I love practically all Sports with a special interest in
Formula 1 Racing
and I am an avid FERRARI fan.
I am also a great football fan.My teams are Sliema Wanderers of Malta,Inter of Italy and also the great Italian National Side.
I love photography and also like to draw on my computer.
Ok enough with the talkin.........follow these links for some of my images on my favorite subjects
My Ferrari Page
Scenes from Malta
Photography from Malta
My American Page
Orlando `98
Send comments and mail to AXE
Last updated on 25/07/2002
This site is dedicated to the memory of my dear brother Paul who has passed away today the 6th December 1999
Life will never be the same without you.