Arale Lahav Welcomes You to:
Holyland - Your Guide for Pilgrimage
"I rejoiced with
those who said to me,
us go to the house of the Lord.
Our feet are standing in your gates,
Jerusalem..." (Psalms: 122, 1-2)
It is a great honor and a pleasure to invite
you to visit ISRAEL, the HOLY LAND, the land of JESUS... a unique
spiritual experience as we begin the celebration of the 2000th
birthday of JESUS CHRIST.
Time has not dimmed the magnetic attraction of
the Holy Land, as visitors stream into modern-day Israel in
greater numbers each year. This is the land where JESUS was born
in Bethlehem, brought up in Nazareth, followed by the multitudes
along the shores of the Sea of Galilee, visited the holy city of
Jerusalem where he died on the cross and on the third day has
risen from the dead. The Bible comes alive as you visit those
So, as one of Israel's leading tour guides, I
invite you to take your Bible in hand and join me on this
pilgrimage. Let your heart be open and your spirit sensitive. May
the sites and recollections of an ancient yesterday be the means
whereby the living Lord makes himself known to you today.
Your tour guide: about me.
In the footsteps of Jesus: a
proposed itinerary for your journey.
Pilgrims map of the Holyland
Israel today: The land and
its people
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