

Under construction.....not ready yet..... but it will be soon!!!

You'll wonder what the theme of this site is...
Well...., I don't know yet, but I can assure you I'm thinking about.

The fact is that I'm still learning how to build up a page on the Web
and surfing around on the net looking for ideas and experimenting new ways,

Although I've not properly moved in yet, work is in progress,
so please do have a look around and let me know your suggestions

There have been so many visitors to my site
that the counter broke down and I had to fix it and start it over again!

You are now visitor number on the new counter

The site is still under construction.........
Here is what's available at the moment

...Play the juke box
Learn about Internet Services
See my favorite sports
Follow my links
Visit my neighbors
Visit The Tropics

There will be more in a while.......
Please check back later!

Everything here has been (and will continue to be) gathered from the Net, the greatest learning environment available. Credit goes to all those who, by maintaining a presence on the Web, have contributed to the creation of this page.
I welcome further ideas and help to build up this site, so if you have any comment or suggestion on how to improve it, as well as new cool links to add, please drop me a line

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