This is the top Visual Basic tutorial that use easy approach to teach
anyone to create computer programs instantly!
Lots of examples and sample code for download
Basic Jobs
There are many kinds of job
positions available for the Visual Basic programmers in the IT market. You
can become a VB programmer, VB developer, VB analyst, SQL programmer, .Net
programmer, .Net developer, VB/SQL server programmer and many other IT jobs.
Although you need to have other programming skills beside VB, mastering
Visual Basic is a good start to getting a well-paid job in the IT
industries. For the list of jobs available for VB programmers, you can refer
to this links below:
Jobs for
for VB jobs
For average salary of Visual
Basic jobs, please refer to the link below:
developer salary
Welcome to Visual Basic tutorial!
Visual Basic is an easy-to-learn programming language. Everyone
can master it in a short time.
Start learning Visual Basic 6 now by clicking on the link
VB6Tutorial . If you wish to learn Visual
Basic 2008, please click on
VB2008 Tutorial.
Please subscribe to
VB Tutor Blog
for latest Tutorial Updates and Interesting VB Info.
Please get a copy of Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Professional
to start programming.
Who Can Learn Visual Basic
VISUAL BASIC is the simplest programming language to learn. It uses
syntax that is very similar to English language, so anyone who has fairly
good command in English can master Visual Basic quickly. The following is an
example of VB code:
If mark>80 Then
ElseIf mark<80 And mark >59 Then
ElseIf mark<60 And mark>49 Then
ElseIf mark<50 And mark>39 Then
End If
From the above example, I am sure everyone can understand the code easily!
EVERYONE can learn VISUAL BASIC ! So, without
further delay, click on
VB6Tutorial to learn Visual Basic 6 and
Tutorial to learn Visual Basic 2008.
Copyright ®
Dr.Liew Voon Kiong
. All rights reserved |Contact:
First created on
16 Oct 1996. Last Update
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