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New Stuff!!Hey everyone! Amazingly, I have chosen to update my site! Another odd thing is that people have actually visited me since I last came here! Check out the counter! Well, I'm feeling a little distant from my web home here. You see, my brother was being retarded and threw away our internet access. Now, we have no e-mail at my house, so please don't e-mail me for awhile. Ahh-three days until Christmas. And still, my shopping is not done. Will it ever be? Has anyone ever wondered how in the world all the unexpected, unforseen expenses in our lives somehow end up getting together and happening all at once? It's an amazing phenomenon, they never have the decency to tell us that they're on their way, but they always collaborate with one another. One example, my car broke. Not in the middle of summer when walking is an enjoyable diversion, but in winter, when I'm sick, can't walk, and have no money to make repairs. Just figures!
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