A page for people who plan to visit Brasilia and for those who want to know more about this singular city.
- About the city...
- Overview of the city - positive and negative aspects - tourist sights - meeting points - other general information.
- The History of Brasilia
- The first proposals of building a new capital - important dates and facts - curiosities - photos of the construction - common questions - information about JK, Lucio Costa and Oscar Niemeyer.
- Images:
- Photos:
- Don't miss the most beautiful photos of Brasilia!
- We also have pictures of the construction of the city.
- Other images:
- Some special collections of images related to the city - worth visiting!
- We also have some maps and video files.
- Geography and weather
- Population - temperature - rainfall - altitude - sunrise and sunset hours - weather forecast - distances to other cities.
- Useful information if you visit our city
- Where to exchange traveler checks and bills - about Brazilian currency - tourist information offices - cybercafes - where to buy / develop photo films and camcorder tapes - electric outlets - other info.
- Hotels
- Photos, phone and fax numbers of the city's Hotels and Flats. Links to hotels with their own web pages.
- Links
- Other web sites about Brasilia or related to the city. Includes pages about Brasilia's tourism, history, weather forecast and institutions of higher learning.
Looking for info about the whole country? See some sites with general information about Brazil.
All texts and color photos © by Augusto C. B. Areal.
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Visitors to this site:since April 21, 1996
Last update: Jan 17, 2007
I would like to thank the following people for their assistance:
- Ana Maria Amarillo
- João Evangelista de Sousa Filho
- Julio Cesar Baptista Areal