Welcome to Mali's Homepage!!! |
Who am I?
My name is Vicki but I chat under the handles of either "Mali" or "Sylvia" (which happen to be two of my cats' names). I was born in Iowa City on August 1st, 1972 but have lived in California since I was a year old. I am currently a senior at The University of California, Davis double majoring in Spanish and Political Science. I also am a Teacher's Aid in high school computer programming and applications classes at Davis Senior High School, I do web publishing for the University of California, Davis, Department of Medical Pathology, Division of Medical Informatics and I babysit.
And as requested, here is more of what I like: I love animals (My family has four dogs (two German Shepherds, a Cinnamon Lab and a Cocker Spaniel), 5 cats, several birds and a plenitude of fish)....It's quite a menagerie; movies, travelling (Spain is at the top of my list so far), music (mostly alternative but I like everything), T.V. (THURSDAY NIGHT! and The X-Files), books (mostly horror, suspense and mystery), camping, just being outdoors, and much, much more.....
I'm often found at Doug's chatting. A nicer group of people doesn't exist! My cyberfriends and family include:
- Cinder.....My very best real-time friend!
sis and a great RT friend...*W*
- Dragon.....He's the most supportive Dragon I've ever met...and an all around great guy!
- Ed the Happy Clown.....This crazy clown is as cool as you will find.
- Frangelico.....Doesn't crash anymore since she moved up in the world.*G*...As nice as can be!
- june.....this chat sis is full of *huggles*
- Lord Rhubarb!!.....one of my first and favorite chat friends
- mowgli.....one of the sweetest guys ever!
- Moylan....my goddess chat
- pobie.....one of the greatest most supportive friends a girl could find!
- Primal Scream.....I love his nicknames, giggles & bunchesofhugglyprimalstuff! *grin*
- sean the bastard.....the best little chat bro a girl could have
- Storm.....Stormy pants! *grin*
- vick.....8grin8...full of goddesslikehugglysmooches
- X.....the sweetest of the sweet and always on the go....On your marks....get set....Chip!
- 1-900-JASMINE.....one of the nicest there is.
And the list was getting way out of control so I had to get realistic here, but a big, special shout out and many *hugs* to my following friends:
The One and Only, Shell, Surf'r Dude, G Man, Shweetie, Camembear, Rolfo, Sunca, Honey, mojo, Catiche, BooBoo, Bugs, Speedy, Fingernail, Bowtie, Cowboy, Midnight, Yossarian, Metal Head, kitty, Matey, HotStuff, Krista, Brother Paul, Brent, Doc, brett, Raider, thErapy, weasel, Bass Ackwards, Lasha, Doug, MATERA, Vic Rattlehead, CoSmO, hEiDi, Mr. Mistoffelees, Wild Thing, 411, Harlot, Shades, and DERR.
And more *Big HUGS* to my IRC friends from channel 20+: Blaaah, BRaptor, kimee, NAMMAN, NLMXSO, stapes, Toweress and Zoner.
And the list only seems to get longer and longer.......*grin*

The Webfoot's Guide to Spain
Tapas...Good Spanish Recipes
Other Spanish Web Sites (Good List)
Tourism Offices Worldwide Directory
Virtual Tourist World Map
Student and Budget Travel
AESU - Low-Cost Airfares & Tours to Europe
On Line Travel Home Page
How far is it? (Distance advisor)
Live picture of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco
List of Chat Links
Want help creating your own homepage?....Go here!......(Links for guestbook creation, html editors, backgrounds and many other useful links I've discovered).
My entire list of bookmarks...(Travel, music, friends' pages, chat links, Mac shareware/freeware, and more...
Thanks for stopping by!
This Page Was Last updated: November 17, 1996
Please e-mail me with any coments or suggestions. =)
© 1995 & 1996 ez055577@peseta.ucdavis.edu (Mali)
I support free speech online
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