This Web site actually predated the AG&HC and since I first activated it in November 1995, I have only sporatically added new content - life
has conspired to get in the way of my genealogical hobby. I am currently working on restoring several
more old photos that I recently came across, and hopefully this will get me back into the research and
writing side as well. In the meantime, the following links show what I have done so far, and also provide
some insight as to what I do in my "day job."
Bloodline - A History of the Bloodline of Martin
Armstrong of Willsborough, NY and Shoreham, VT.
This narrative history of my family, begins with our first known
ancestor, Martin Armstrong, prior to the American Revolution, and follows the family through the generations and my branch to
myself and my descendants.
Kennedy Space Center Home Page
I work at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) where I am the Public Web Manager responsible for KSC's public Web site which is
made up of over 70,000 pages.
NASA Home Page, Missions Section
As part of the Agency's "One NASA" initiative, the NASA Home Page was totally redesigned and reorganized in early 2003. A few months
later, I assumed responsibility for the Missions Section of the NASA Portal. All of the graphical, narrative, and
video content of this Section is done by my Web team at the Kennedy Space Center.
NASA Direct!
I also manage one of the very few Web Production Studios in the Federal Government. Our programming, known as "NASA Direct!"
includes the production of all the video features in the KSC Home Page's
Multimedia Gallery and in the Missions Section of the NASA Portal, as well as the production of original Web Broadcast programming
for the launch of each of NASA's Space Shuttle and Expendable Launch Vehicle missions.
I have chosen not to add my site to the the many search engines out there, so it is something of a minor miracle that you have found
your way here. Hopefully, you may even find something that catches you attention for a few moments...
Dennis W. Armstrong