Welcome to our little piece of the internet. Bob & Sandy live in Candler North Carolina, just outside Asheville, in the Great Smokey mountains. We just recently moved here after 21 years in Fort Myers Florida. We have been one of the "lucky" married couples as we will celebrate our 33rd anniversary on April 30th! We have two daughters, Michelle, 30 and Kristi, 28. Right now the joys of our lives are our grandkids, Robby, who is 13 (He likes to cut my grass) and Rebecca, 3 years. (She doesn't do any work around here....yet.) Bob and Sandy's lives came together in 1964. Bob was a disc jocky at a small radio station in Titusville Pennsylvania. (Bobby Mac) Sandy was a carhop at the local drive-in restaurant. Sandy was a senior in high school, head cheer leader and dating the captain of the football team. Untill Bobby Mac came to town, rock 'n roll had never been played on the radio in Titusville so needless to say, Bobby Mac was somewhat of a local phenomenon among the local teenagers. Well, Bob set up a deal with the owner of the drive-in to have a "request" box at the restaurant and every night after Bobby Mac got off the air he would go there to pick up the requests for the following night. From the begining, Bob was in love with Sandy, but it took a little time at first to woo her away from her boyfriend. Every time Bob knew Sandy was out on a date with him, Bobby Mac would flood the airways with little messages for Sandy. "This next song is for Sandy" Then he would play a love song. He knew they would be listening because it was the only radio station in town! I'll come back here from time to time and add to or update this homepage.
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