Kemp Family Association
... and Allied Families
Welcome to the Kemp Family Association Homepage. Since November 18, 1995, you are Kemp cybercousin number
visiting this page. Enjoy your stay, but note that with ongoing contributions by Kemp researchers, this page will continue to grow and change, so stop by often. Please note that the Kemp Family Association has disolved, however, there are still many Kemp family researchers out there, so I am continuing to keep the web site up and running (Linda).

I'd like to thank Tim Kemp for enhancing the KFA logo
Kemp Family Association Contacts
For information on Kemp Lines - check Kemp Researchers by Area to see if someone else is also working on that part of the country. If not, members may add their name to the list, just let the webmaster know what area.
If you would like to search my sites:
Kemp Query and Record Index
Post queries to QUERY page or KFA newsgroup; I have no info re lines other than my own
Postings to the KFA Newsgroup are sent via e-mail to all (members or non-members) who subscribe to this list. Our newsgroup has proven to be a great tool for exchanging queries and lines, discussing new data, announcements, or just about anything Kemp related. Refer to instructions to subscribe - unsubscribe - post message - and chose the way you receive your mail.
If your Kemp family is planning a reunion and you would like to post details, let me know.
- 2001 Reunion to be held in Kansas City, Missouri - Canceled
- KFA 2000 Reunion in Raleigh, North Carolina
Our 6th Annual Reunion was held September 22-24 and was hosted by Allen & Betty Johannes. Friday night a group of us went over to an Irish Pub for dinner ... absolutely wonderful (I'll now dream about having Guiness Pie again). Within walking distance was the North Carolina State Library and Archives and the librarian was heard to say "is everyone here a Kemp"! Not even rain all day Sat. could dampen our spirits as we walked back and forth to the library. A number of the attendees had NC ancestors and could be found by the copy machine Sat. morning copying all the new info they discovered from each other. That evening we dined at the 42nd Street Oyster Bar, which was followed by our Business Meeting back at the hotel. One of the items addressed was the search for volunteers to help with KFA. Bob Young mentioned that this was the last year he could handle the jobs of secretary, treasurer, and news editor what with other projects he has taken on and is hoping someone will come forward to volunteer. We also discussed the fact that both he and I have had queries about holding a reunion in Boston; a vote was taken and it was decided to hold the 2002 Reunion in Boston. Jamie Kay Taylor spoke on the migrations of the Kemp's from VA to NC, SC, GA and beyond and Bob Young spoke on the English ancestry of the New England Kemp's, along with some thoughts on tracing other lines. Following the Reunion, there were a number of "cousins" with ties to Bladen County who planned to go to Elizabethville and tour the old Joseph Richard Kemp house. This house was built in the 1850's and the story is that he rode through his property selecting the trees of heart pine for his foundation (parts of the foundation can still be seen). There is also a huge walk-in fireplace in the kitchen for cooking.Several groups of Kemp researchers attending the 2000 Reunion can be found in the KFA Photo Album
- KFA's 5th Annual Reunion was held Oct 21-23, 1999 in Salt Lake City, Utah and was hosted by Kevin Kemp. A number of Kemp researchers arrived earlier in the week to take advantage of the LDS Family History Library and many could hardly be pried away, even to eat! When not researching, some of us toured the LDS complex, visited the two malls nearby, or listened the the Morman Tabernacle Choir Sunday morning. Salt Lake impressed us as a very clean city and we all enjoyed the "chirps" and "beeps" ... you had to be there to understand chirps/beeps.
Several groups of Kemp researchers attending the 1999 Reunion can be found in the KFA Photo Album
- Timothy Durham Kemp's web page describes the Kemp Family Reunion 1999, for the descendants of George Frederick Kemp, Sr.
- KFA Spring 1999 Reunion in Canterbury, England
Shelagh Mason hosted the 1st International KFA Reunion held April 9-12, 1999 in Canterbury, England. Check here to find out all about its success.
Several groups of Kemp researchers attending the 1999 International Reunion can be found in the KFA Photo Album
- KFA 1998 Reunion in Dallas, Texas
Linda-Jeanne Dolby and Kay Taylor, both of TX, cohosted our 4th Reunion October 22-25, 1998 at the Harvey Hotel. The cohosts "scheduled" wonderful weather and by Thursday evening we had 8 early arrivals, a number of which enjoyed dinner at Texas Land & Cattle. Many of those attending elected to go into Dallas to the Library and by the time we returned, it was almost time to go to dinner at Juan's Cantina where they got a taste of Tex-Mex cusine. After dinner it was socializing and exchanging info and greeting new arrivals. Saturday there was another trip to the Dallas Library, with additional Kemp researchers arriving throughout the day to exchange info. Something that amazed me was that even though this reunion was held in Texas, the North Carolina Kemp descendants outnumbered all other lines. Spring Creek BBQ was where we enjoyed the evening meal and "many" biscuits right from the oven. Speakers following the Business Meeting were Kay Taylor on Kemps Before 1750 and Bob Young on the Migration of Kemp's in 17th Century New England.
Several groups of Kemp researchers attending the 1998 Reunion can be found in the KFA Photo Album
- KFA 1997 Reunion in New England
Pat Benedict of MA and Bob Young of CT cohosted our 3rd Reunion Nov 6-9, 1997 at Captain Jack's Waterfront Inn in Swampscott, MA. Thursday morning found 7 researchers riding the train into Boston to the New England Gen Soc and another researcher there ahead of us. After a long day, we paused for dinner at a nearby Italian restaurant before heading back to Swampscott. Friday, groups were heading in all directions, including cemeteries, the Essex Society, libraries, town halls, etc with most meeting in Salem for dinner. Before the meeting on Saturday, about 13 of us went to Salem to check out Higgenson's Book Store.
Speakers following the Business Meeting were Jamie Kay Taylor on the Kemp's in the 1790 Census, Bob Young on Samuel Kemp - The Missing Generation, and our keynote speaker, David Goss of the Beverly Historical Society on The Witchcraft Trials of 1692. It rained most of the weekend, but that didn't dampen our spirits as we explored the area, the research material & CD's in the Hospitality Suite, exchanged data and ideas among Kemp researchers, discovered mutual Kemp lines, and in general had a wonderful time.
Kemp researchers Saturday night can be found in the KFA Photo Album
- KFA 1996 Reunion at Orlando, Florida
Was cohosted by Steve and Sue Holt of FL and held November 7-11th at the Hilton Inn with our Saturday night banquet at the Palms Restaurant there at the hotel. Saturday morning found the Orlando Library over-run with Kemps and as the year before, many found themselves taking advantage of the area and visiting Disneyworld and Universal Studios. Our keynote speaker Saturday afternoon was Jamie (Kay) Kemp Taylor who talked about the United States Kemps in 1790 and included informative handouts. The Saturday night business meeting included discussions on many topics and the election of 1997 officers.
- KFA 1995 Reunion at Springfield, Missouri
Was cohosted by Bob Young of CT and Pat Benedict of MA and held at the Ramada Inn with our Saturday night banquet at the Pro Bass Shop. Presentations before the business meeting included The New England Kemps by Bob Young and Migration Patterns by Kay Taylor. Many members took advantage of sights in the area, including trips to Branson to the shows.
This list will be added to as data is received:
- Francis age 26 (male) into Boston 3/18/1878 SS Carroll, seaman b.C.B. list 28
- Frank age 5 into Boston 8/23/1883 SS Samaria b.Eng lr.Huddersfield list 55
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The Kemp Family Association Homepage
is created, edited & maintained by
Linda-Jeanne Dolby © 1995
A New England Kemp in Texas
This page may be freely linked to, but not copied without my consent.
Thanks for visiting ...