Heroes - The roll call of the All Star Squadron and other information about the good guys.
Villains - Everything, okay a few things, you wanted to know about dark side.
Toys! We are finally seeing some of our favorite goldenagers in plastic. From the JSA PVC sets, to DC Direct Freedom Fighters, to the book/statue combinations for the big three. It is a about time.
Personally, I prefer the 1:18 scale. For one thing they are easier to store & display. They go well with those die cast cars, and are roughly the same size as the GI Joe and Star Wars figures of my youth. Click here to see some of my golden age toys (some custom made). Others can be found throughout the site.
Ye Old Trading Post - A place for us to share our wants/haves lists.
Be sure to check out the credits for suggested reading material and more.
Now that Egroups, Yahoo Groups, and Yahoo Clubs are all one in the same, I would like to recommend a couple of groups that you might enjoy: The most active of these is "The Justice Society." This club is for fans of the Justice Society of America and its members, from all eras ~ Golden Age, Silver, or Modern.
Here are some others I belong to that you might enjoy as well.
JOIN - The Jade Obsidian Infinity Network - All things Infinite!
BigBang - For fans of reprint/retro titles like those from Big Bang and AC Comics.
The Golden Agers - This club was created as a place for fans of Golden Age comic books to meet and discuss those classics of yesteryear. Make connections, recommend great "lost" characters, debate the treatment of long-time fans by comic companies today, etc. Anyone is welcome to join.
DC Golden Age Comics - Welcome to the DC Golden Age Comics Club. Herein you will find scans of classic DC comics. Feel free to browse and add your own scans.
Marvel Family Website - The Marvel Family Web is devoted to the Original Fawcett/DC Comics Captain Marvel and members of his family. Joining this group gets you announcements for Walts site and chats.
Ride the Lightening - Devoted primarily to Wally, but Jay, Max, Johnny, and the rest are welcome topics.
Golden Age - Pulps, Radio Shows and things like that! Discuss relevent current events, ask about old stories, or just update us on your Golden Age sites!
Starman - A club for the recent series, but since they covered all the men of the stars none are off topic.
The Monestary of the Green Lama - dedicated to the Green Lama, along with other golden age heroes from the pulps, radio, serials, and comics particularly Prize, Harvey, Centaur and more. Doc Savage, The Spider, The Green Hornet.
Vigilantes Round-Up - Devoted to the adventures of Greg Saunders, prairie troubadour and fighting hero of the west, and all of his friends and foes!
And of course The All Star Squadron - 1942--a world at war! And against the forces of Axis darkness, the mightiest heroes of Earth-Two have banded together under direct orders of the President as the All-Star Squadron! This club is here to celebrate this great old team. Feel free to discuss fond memories, current apperiences of characters, and possibilities for the future. UPDATE - Sadly, this group has been overrun by spammers. There are a couple of other clubs that are trying to fill in. I will get their addresses up soon, but just Search for the All Star Squadron and you should find them.
Contact me at c_midnite@yahoo.com.
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