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Biomathematician, Statistician, and Abacist*

*One who calculates.

I was born in Atlanta and educated in the public schools of Fulton Co., Georgia, and at Georgia Military Academy (now Woodward Academy).   I grew up in Brookwood Hills, a part of Buckhead, Georgia.  I later lived in Dunwoody, Georgia.

I studied zoology, chemistry, and mathematics at Duke University, receiving the B.A. degree in 1952. I studied statistics and physiology at North Carolina State University and the University of North Carolina. The M.E.S. degree (1955) and Ph.D. degree (1959) were granted by the former institution.

My research and interests have been largely in the areas of mathematical models of growth, survival, spatial distributions in ecology, and target theory, and in the foundations of scientific and statistical inference.

My hobbies include photography, genealogy, Gilbert & Sullivan, and Sherlock Holmes.

I have eight children. My wife, Rachel Farmer Turner, was born in Rockdale Co., Georgia, and is an R.N. (retired). Three of our four children live with us in Pelham, Shelby Co., Alabama, and one is a geology graduate student at the University of Georgia. My four eldest children and three grandchildren live in the metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia area.

I am Professor Emeritus of Biomathematics and Biostatistics in the Department of Biostatistics of the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

I have previously been associated with the Kettering Laboratory of the University of Cincinnati, the Medical College of Virginia, the Kansas University Medical Center, and Emory University.

Some of the genealogy of my family is online at

Other genealogical links to our families include: Elgin Net, All Sherry's Surnames, Hazel's Corner, and Marion Farmer.  Rachel's family is traced in Rockdale, Gwinnett, and Walton Counties (among others) in Georgia.

Biology Links

Tree of Life
H.M.S. Beagle

Statistics Links

Virtual Library of Statistics
Statistics on Einet
American Statistical Association
Biometric Society (ENAR)
Jaynes's Book
Statistics Library
CHANCE Database
Bartlett Corrections
Rutem's Home Page

Mathematics Links

Virtual Library of Mathematics
Math Search
Math on Web
Internic Math
Mathematical Association of America
BASIC Archives
CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics by Eric W. Weisstein

Miscellaneous Links

American Universities
City Net
Science Magazine Home Page

Links to other sites on the Web

Aleta v. Turner
Alexis S. Turner

This page is written and maintained by Malcolm Turner and Aleta v. Turner.

 last modified 5 January 2000

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