Welcome to "The Blue Pages" by Björn Landemoo

You can reach me at landemoo@bevelo.se .

Click here for more info about the Bjork Ring

I first heard of Björk in a swedish TV program in late 1993. I still remember glaring at her, hypnotic, she couldn't be more than 15-16 years, and how could they allow her to drive a car in that video?

I saw her first album, Debut, next spring, in a shopping mall in my home town, Göteborg, Sweden. I asked for it on vinyl, since I hadn't any CD-player then, but they didn't have any vinyl Debut, so I stuck my nose in the air and said that I'd go to a "real" music store instead. Just outside the door I realised that there wasn't any other music stores around. Walking back to the car, I passed a Radio store and just had to look at a CD-player. Five minutes later I went back to the music store with a CD-player under my arm, asking for the Debut CD...

I do enjoy collecting Björk pictures, and all together I have 50MB jpg pictures. I hope you'll find My private collection interesting, it's the best 6-7MB for you to download. You can find more pictures at these sites:
Gids Björk ftp archive

Here's my collection of Björk links on the web:

"Official" pages

Björk's - Web sense
One Little Totem Pole
Bad Taste
Björk FAQ

Home Pages

Björk Net Resources
Björk Guðmundsdóttir
Won's Björk Page
Ultimate Intimate
Matts Hennings Björk Page
Juhapekka's Björk-page
BJÖRK: Micah Williams
Alan Cowap
Tomas Cheng
American Anchor

I've collected some other links, mainly about Windows NT and computers, that I use myself from time to time. Feel free to check them out and see if you find something interesting.

Windows NT Workstation

Windows NT

Microsoft Windows NT
Microsoft MVP
Microsoft MCP Requirements
Microsoft MCP Examinators in Sweden
Beverly Hills Software
NT web
Matt's Windows Page
Windows NT Magazine
Microsoft Windows NT-Platform



ASUS American Mirror
PC Power and Cooling, Inc.
Alpha & Omega Computer, Inc.
Matrox Graphics Inc.
Welcome to the Creative Zone
Adaptec Info Island
Seagate Technology Home Page
Quantum Products
IBM PC ThinkPad
IBM HDD Info Page
The Performance Gains of Disk Striping
HP - Storage
Check Harddisk


E-mail Notify
McAfee Home Page
Download McAfee Software
Download Netscape Software
Alchemy Mindworks Inc.
Second Nature, Slide Show
Forte: Agent
Forte: ftp archive
WinZip Home Page
Benchmark Comparison List
TAPEDISK Corporation


Index page for Eric's pictures


WWW-servers in Sweden
Volvo Homepage
Aftonbladet World-Wide Web
millimeter informations homepage
The Outdoor world of Fjällräven
SUNETs WWW-index:Perifer utrustning
PytteMjuk DATA KB Hemsida
Nuclear Power Plant Demonstration
EnterMedia´s hemsida
BMsoft index
Skribo Font
MultiDirect Priser
PytteMjuk Priser
Westium Data AB
Swedish Hardware Retailers
Billigaste dataprodukterna I Sverige


excite Netsearch
Peeping Tom Homepage
Welcome to GeoCities Home Page
Welcome to RealAudio !
The Flight-Sim Ring Home Page

Visitors since 1998-01-04