You may be more interested in tracing my footsteps around the globe...
The school that gave me my diploma in
International Relations / Intercultural Communications,
Other Personal Home Pages at the
Las Vegas, Nevada
St. George, Utah
Anchorage, Alaska
Germany (Ruhrgebiet, Frankfurt, Heidelberg,
Duisburg, etc.)
Mexico (Mexico City and other places)
Japan (Shiga, Kyoto, Wakayama, etc.)
An' on the home of mah heart, The Island of O`ahu, Hawai`i, da bruddahs say
I promise to include only links to sites that are REALLY interesting, useful, or fun. Look for constant additions to these. ENJOY!
If you share my interests, feel free to write to me at:
SSS@DDS.NLAt the very least, you'll want to see what I keep in my guest room... were visitor number
to my personal webpages.
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