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I love puzzles, but seem to be missing some pieces ... do you have any information on the following surnames:
TOLAN - Lockport, New York
FERGUSON - Ohio & Ireland
If you're related to any of the above lines, the following links may be of interest:
Our Family Roots which includes the Judson, Hine, Warner, Parmelee, Dudley, Porter, Ferguson, Hurlbut, Tolan, Ferguson, McLoon (MacLoon), Andrews, Kemp, Phillips, Fish, Hildreth, Dolby, Barsh (Barshatsky), Cutler, Cohen and Kessler surnames.
- JUDSON - The Judson Connection includes information for those researching the Judson surname, any time, any place. There is also a Judson Newsgroup (e-mail discussion), see how-to Instructions. Also on line is Judson House in Stratford, CT.
- KEMP - If you've got a Kemp somewhere in your line, then I know the Kemp Family Association will be of interest to you. There is also a Kemp Newsgroup (e-mail discussion), see how-to Instructions.
- PARMELEE - Those searching their Parmelee ancestors should visit both Frank Parmelee's homepage and The Parmelee Family Homepage by Jim Walters who is writing a Parmelee history.
- HILDRETH / PARMELEE - Jana Ulrich's site is for those researching both the Hildreth and Parmeleesurnames.
- HILDRETH - The Hildreth Family Association, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, 44th floor, NY, NY 10112.
- DUDLEY - Gary Dudley has a Dudley database. Also on line is Dudley Farm, a working farmstead in North Guilford, CT.
- ANDREWS - Ross Andrews' homepage not only includes Andrews, but Beach, Naylor, Ramsdell, McGlauflin, Openshaw, Wood & Pierce. Randy Hoover's homepage is another site to check for Andrews ancestors. Also check the Andrews Web Ring
- HINE - Kathy Jacobs is also researching The Hine Family.
- WARNER - Roxanne Woodruff is also researching the Warner Family.
Record of Connecticut Men in the War of Rebellion 1861-1865, (includes surnames Judson, Parmelee, Dudley, and Kemp).
- Three books by Linda Jeanne Dolby include:
- Descendants of William Judson of Connecticut has gone to the Publisher and sold out of its first printing; however, reservations are being taken for a 2nd printing. Covering 14 generations, from William Judson who was christened in 1592 in Halifax, Yorkshire, England to the present, here in America. William came to America in 1634 with his 3 sons, lived 4 years at Concord, MA and in 1638 went to Stratford, CT with the Rev. Adam Blakemand and 24 others of the Massachusetts Colony to become the first settlers of Stratford. This book covers his known descendants who can now be found throughout the United States, as well as allied families including major families of Beach, Beardsley, Beebe, Beers, Clark, Curtis/Curtiss, Gillespie, Gowey, Hawley, Hine, Hull, Hurd, Lewis, Minor, Miller, Mitchell, Peck, Perry, Sherman, Sperry, Towle, Walker, Welles/Wells. This book includes 500+ pages of family information, photos, documents, letters, life style, historic time line, complete index and more.
- Mills Cemetery located in Garland, TX, has been walked and recorded by myself and is now a published work. For information on purchasing this book, email the author or visit the Mills Cemetery site for a listing of surnames included.
- My Children Have Roots ... This will be the next book I'll be working on re my family history which will include main families of JUDSON, WARNER, PARMELEE, DUDLEY on my maternal side and KEMP, McLOON/MacLOON, HILDRETH, PHILLIPS on the paternal side, as well as allied families.
If anyone has any info re the above, please e-mail me so that we can exchange data.
- Bob Young is doing a complete rewrite of New England Kemps, which will cover six generations of descendents for William, Edward and Samuel Kemp. Bob would like to share data with anyone with lines back to any of the three Kemps in 1650's Massachusetts.
- Ruth and Davis Warner have completed and published the book on John WARNER of Farmington and welcome inquiries. I regret to report on the passing of Davis Warner. Ruth will continue on with the help of their daughter Elizabeth who is maintaining the "Wandering Warners" newsletter. They have info on all the imigrant Warners that they are aware of, including William of Ipswich, Andrew of Hartford, John of Providence, Col. Augustine of VA, William of Philadelphia, Wettenhall of South Carolina, 3 unreleated German families that went to Schoharie NY, 2 Henrys that came from Germany and settled other areas, Carl from Sweden, and a few others.
- For those with the PARMELEE surname, Jim Walters is writing a Parmelee History. For information e-mail Jim.
- A Publishing Company I recommend and have used ... At Gregath Publishing Company we have a two-fold goal. First, to provide quality service and products at affordable rates. Second, to assist each client in any way possible to ensure his or her book is a success. We have been involved in genealogical research, writing and teaching for over 50 years. We have enjoyed our affiliation with the publishing and printing industry for over 30 of those years. Four generations of our family have been active in the Gregath Publishing Company.
I have in my possession a well-worn copy of the History of Ancient Woodbury, Connecticut from the First Indian Deed in 1659 to 1854 including the towns of Washington, Southbury, Bethlem, Roxbury, and a part of Oxford and Middlebury. This book was written by William Cothren in 1854 and I would be happy to do limited lookups for anyone researching this area. The format of this volume is oodles of lists of political, religious, military, and fraternal entries (all are indexed but primarily just say that they were a member of such & such). The real meat of the volume is in the Family Histories, which are indexed and contain a vast amount of information. If interested, just e-mail (guest book) me the particulars and I'll see what I can find.
I'd like to invite you to visit some of our other pages:
Kemp Family Association = For anyone, anywhere named Kemp
The Judson Connection = For anyone, anywhere named Judson
Litchfield County, CTGenWeb Project = Includes the towns of Litchfield Co., Connecticut
New Haven County, CTGenWeb Project = Includes the towns of New Haven Co., Connecticut
Dallas County, TXGenWeb Project = Includes the towns of Dallas Co., Texas
Garland Genealogical Society = Located in Garland, Texas
Judson House = A historic landmark in Stratford, CT
Dudley Farm = A working restoration in Guilford, CT
American Hawaii Cruise Vacation Diary = a recent trip
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"Behold the Work of the Old ...
Let your Heritage not be lost.
But bequeth it as a Memory, Treasure and Blessing ...
Gather the lost and the hidden and preserve it for thy Children."
Christian Metz 1846
I'd appreciate any comments, suggestions or questions you may have
and thank you for visiting Dolby's Digs.

As of October 29, 1996, you are the researcher to explore my attic
Dolby's Digs - The Attic
is created, edited & maintained by
Linda-Jeanne Dolby © 1995
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