I Wanna Be in Pana....

Now See the current Central American Exchange rates

Updated Nov. 10, 2001

This is the page for Panajachel Guatemala people.

If you are a Pana Person, or even a Jucanyero, and have a Email address or a Guatemala link you would like on this page please send it to us.



What is happening in Panajachel now.

The Big News is that we are now mirroring this page at an easy to remember address:


Pana Parties!

Mayita Graduated from the German School

New/Old Pana people on the Internet

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Duncan now has the Lake Atitlan Page up and running. It is a real beauty too.
If you need to sell some Guatemalan things, he has a spot reserved for you.

Dragon Lady Cruises, Bob's sailboat charters is at:

 Birthdays in  and May

1st Dwight, 10th Oxaca Bob, 14th Chio, 21st Ivan.
1st Arthur Kennedy, 2nd Carlos Granat, 7th David Dixon, 10th Merche, 12th Xenia, 16th Rohini and Maria Dixon, 17th Judit, 19th Mary Grace, 25th Roberto Cable, 27th Alex Granat, 29th Shavda, 31st Sandra
Please send me your birthday

Panajachel People and Addresses

Carlos and Regina marcos x Blackstone, Kim and Philip Dan Wolfe
Kathy MacRae Akasha Uli & Marianne Bernard Vine & Family
Elena Roberto & Sarinda Alan Clarke Bille Scholz
Laurie & Ace Ann Cameron and Bill Cherry Randy Marchand & Naomi Wolfe de Marchand John Riddle & Beatriz
Tessa McKim Nancy Nicol Duncan & Jennifer Marvin Legator
Sid & Jan Ron & Sophie Tom Moylan his wife, Manuela Moayedi Martin & Marguerite Suter
Andre Simonson Jeremy and Molly Lent Bob Levantino aka Chocolate Bob Ivan Garcia
George and Joyce Hahn Joan Hendrickson Bonnie, and Maxwell Lloyd and Elizabeth Olson
  Sidney & Maxine Bigman Jerry Glass, aka Electric Jerry Craig Leisher, writer
Chuck "Leggs" David & Maria Dixon Paul Glassman, famous Travel Writer Dawg Tom Boice
Jennifer Bigman Mike Sausage Judit & David Guy and Renee Lalonde
Howard Jewel Jim and Marta MacBeth Chris Le Beau Ladybear
Patty Mork (Airplane Patty) Penelope    


Penolpe now has a website, http://www.penelopat.com. She is taking off for a couple of weeks in sunny Miami on the 21st.


Patty Mork (Airplane Patty)

Is currently in Pana she says with the rainy season here everything is beautiful! Tourist are still passing thru but at a slower rate so we get to visit more and of course Santander on a stroll down is at least an hour walk as you know just about everyone you pass and they have time for a chat.


Ladybear. Greetings from Mt Shasta, California! i was surfing around the other night looking for an old message board i saw a couple of years ago about life in Panajachel. I then came upon your site.
I just wanted you to know i gave you a link from my travel page and wanted to invite you to visit my site when you have some time.


I lived at the Juyacan Bungalows in '85 and was at the lake in '75 also. I miss it alot and hope to get back one of these days.

Chris Le Beau. I don't know if you remember me but I was living in Pana off and on from '89 'til '93. I was a friend of Willow and knew a bunch of people there. I have talked with Ivan via e-mail since and would like to have you add my address to your roster. It's crl35@mail.kauaicc.hawaii.edu. I really enjoy reading about the goings-on there and look forward to the time when I will be able to spend some time rockin' til early morning hours and enjoying the special environment of the Lago. I've been on Kauai since August of last year and am attending school full time. I plan on transferring to University of Hawaii at Manoa on Oahu to get my four year degree in Psych. and if all goes well plan to attend their Masters and PhD. programs in Clinical Psychology and a minor in Journalism. Thanks. Anything I can do in this part of the world for anyone there contact me. If I can I will and if I can't I'll say so. Peace, Chris


Carlos and Regina A fond hello from Albuquerque, New Mexico, where Carlos and Regina continue to work  dedicated to the disbursement of Guatemalan handicrafts. Alex loves Kindergarden but has not forgotton Yani and the Life School.  Pana.

marcos x  I am a musician from vancouver and have gigged in pana on and off since '84. including gigs at circus bar, chapiteau, the bambu [remember crazy errol's place?], ian's place [that vegitarian restaurant that he no longer runs], the sunset cafe, amigos [isn't that what coqui's place is called], and of course david's place ummm... the hunab ku i believe. it's been 2 years since i've been to pana and in that time i've gig! MA from canada to play around mex and guat for a few months. if any one knows about fare deals or courier flights from miami could they please let me know thanx.


Blackstone, Kim and Philip still in show business and having a wonderful time on the shores of Lake Huron. We would like to send greetings to all our wonderful friends in Pana. Hope all is well.Be sure to put us on your page and feel free to email us at: blaqueston@centurytel.net

Dan Wolfe. Dan now lives in Nancy Nichol's house near the lake. Last heard of he had an Aussie live in.

Akasha nwitt@internews.org.
Somehow got really stuck here in the ole' US so I haven't been back to Pana in two years.

Kathy MacRae kathymacrae@juno.com
I've rented a house in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Would love to be in touch with you all.

Uli Goerke and Marianne Frolich are home on the river road
They can be reached at:

Bernard Vine his wife and children are all here too. Bernard will take care of you if you need to get guated out.
They can be reached at:

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Tessa McKim is now in San Miquel de Allende in Mexico. There she is training her new dog a Dalmatian and doing her import/export business. Her web page is at: http://www.unlitter.com/tessa/ .   Tessa has bought a piece of land now has her own home.  She can be found at:

Nancy Nicol Nancy is alive and well in Vancouver. Won't come to Pana this season until after total knee replacement has healed. Sept 23 is date
of surgery. Hello to one and all!
She can be found at:

Elena, you remember, she used to wear orange and do belly dancing. She is now living in Miami. You can reach her at:


Bille Scholz is alive and well in San Francisco. She has a great job too! You can find her at:

Roberto and Sarinda the Bead People from Santiago are now online. They can be reached at:

Ann Cameron and Bill Cherry are in the Staes visiting friends. Ann of course is still writing those wonderful children's books. While Bill is enjoying being the Candyman. They can be reached at:

Alan Clarke
Hope all you Panapeople are all well. I hope to get back this winter.
He can be reached 

Randy Marchand & Naomi Wolfe de Marchand
I have put a page called "Randy's Corner" on my web site, it has some photos of a special place to my wife Naomi Wolfe; (Guate!!!). You will find
most are of Pana. Naomi was hopeful that you would be in contact as its been too many years since last contact. Please, if you have the time stop by the Monterey and say hi to Mario... We hope to be moving back to Guate in the next year to open an internet cafe..... with luck. We do miss Guate so much.
They can be reached at:

Laurie & Ace
Thanks to Richard and Sylvia, I now can keep up on Pana happenings. We, Ace and motorcycle Laurie, lived at the point back in '88 and still have a love for the Pana that will bring us back someday. It's wonderful to have this connection
They can be reached at:

John Riddle & Beatriz They are living down by the Hotel Monterey. They run the popular watering hole on the beach in Pana called the Sunset Cafe. John has a brand spanking new computer and one of those digital cameras. They can be reached at:

Sid and Jan are planning on a motorhome tour of Gringolandia this summer.  Jan is teaching at the LIFE School. They can be reached at:


Ron & Sophie, The Dutch couple, are in Pana. They are now living in Susan Young's house, just down from Nan Cuz. They can be found at:

Duncan and Jennifer, that famous Jucanya couple, are seperated.  Zane is with Jennifer in Germany to assist at the birth of Honiko's first child.. Duncan is now Mr. Lake Atitlan:
Don't forget to check out Duncan's Lake Atitlan page at:

Andre Simonson, that Hustling Quebecer, his Dutch wife, Hanny, their two fantastic kids Jan and Cleo.  Cleo is 3 years old now. Their son Jan is almost 6 years old and goes to school. He speaks French, Dutch and English and a little bit of Spanish. Cleo speaks French and Dutch, but her French really dominates They are still selling things from all over the Planet Earth in their stall in Ontario.They can be found at:

Andre Simonson and Hanny have a Web page at: http://www.www.coco.ca

Marvin Legator, and his wonderful wife are still in Texas. They, of course are Lori's parents. They are at:


Tom Moylan and his wife, Manuela Moayedi are moving to Germany  with their two (yeah I said two) daughters, Marina,and Sofia. They don't have an address yet or tel. but can be reached at  email address :


Jeremy and Molly Lent  At the present time they are in their other home in Marin County, Calif. Molly is enjoying her redwood deck and hot tub, relaxing with her hubby, banker Jeremy. They can be found at:


Bob Levantino aka Chocolate Bob and Willy Wonka, is still making beautiful beads. He's a Pana resident who can be reached at:

George and Joyce Hahn,are currently in the States. They have been living awhile now in their new and beautiful place by the river. They can be reached at:


Martin Suter, the Swiss writer, and his much better half Margarita are in Pana.  Martin is hard at work writing of course

Joan Hendrickson, the "Mouse" is house sitting for Howard. She can be found at:


Bonnie, and her wonderful son Maxwell, are back in Kentucky. Bonnie is getting into the massage business I think.   They are at:


Ivan Garcia. Ivan now can get your email messages to anyone in Pana. This is his new address. He is at:




Jerry Glass, aka Electric Jerry, Good Morning Jerry and the Electric Hot Dog is living in Southern Minnesota. Jerry now finds people and things. So if you need someone or something found, see Jerry at:



Lloyd and Elizabeth Olson were last heard of in Washinton State.

Sidney Bigman, author and raconteur. His wife Maxine, construction engineer and dancer. They are in Pana. .They can be found at:


Paul Glassman, famous Travel Writer, author of the critically acclaimed Nicaragua Guide, Guatemala Guide, and appropriately named books about Belize and Costa Rica, his wife Barbara, and their children are in Montreal. They can be reached at:



Paul is having problems getting any money out of his Guide Books Publisher. He is self publishing his Nicaragua Guide. Paul's Web Page is:/TheTropics/Paradise/2100/

Craig Leisher has left the World Bank's moneyed embrace is now working for the UN as their environmental advisor for Vietnam. He and his wife have a nice house in Hanoi and any Pana people are welcome to come visit. Just bring a bottle of the 23-year-old Guatemalan rum. They will be there at least until October 2000.. He can be found at this address:



Chuck "Leggs" is currently in the Great State of Texas working as a computer Guru. Chuck can found at:



David and the Lovely Maria Dixon. They were in Pana this winter relazing.


They now have their own Web Site at:http://mmm.arizonaguide.com/quailridgeestates/

Dawg Tom Boice aka "Stuntman Tom" Yani, and Max are   in Pana. Lately it appears he has been hard at work at the Dawg Pound. The Dawg house is finished. He can be found at the CompuServe address while in the States:



While in Guatemala Tom can be found at:




Jennifer Bigman infamous beauty and Artist is currently in Pana. She can be found at her house on the river. 



Jennifer has a Web site where she is selling her art:http://www.quinte.net/dream/jen/jen.html


Mike Sausage Aira and Pat are living the good life in Finland . . They can be found at:



Judit Fellegi and her lovely husband David and their precocious son Zachary are in Montreal. They now have their own home on the lake in Jucanya. They can be found at:


Guy and Renee Lalonde and their beautiful daughter Maxine are also in Montreal. They are dreaming of Pana for a winter vacation. Renee is currently selling Birkenstocks by the gross. They can be found at:



Jim and Marta MacBeth are in upstate New York, along with The Terrible Two, their sons. They are already planning the next Carribean cruise with Captain Bob. They can be found at:

