Welcome to the TelevisionCity Chat Room!

Discussion in this room should be responsible and respectful. Please don't be insulting or close-minded. We treat each other with compassion here, like a family.


Some guidelines:

  • You must have either Netscape Navigator or Microsoft's Internet Explorer to maximize the chat room experience.
    • Note: If you are using Netscape Navigator, we suggest you disable Javascript while in the chat room:
      1. Open the OPTIONS menu from the toolbar.
      2. Open the NETWORK PREFERENCES menu.
      3. Select the LANGUAGES tab at the top of the dialog box.
      4. Make sure the ENABLE JAVASCRIPT is NOT selected.

  • In addition to the existing content guidelines, GeoCities chat moderators will enforce the following chat room guidelines. Any offenders will be removed from the room.

    • Please don't post large or animated images to the room.

    • Abusive or harrassing behavior will not be tolerated.

    • No profanity.

  • If the room stops updating, hit the "Reload" button on your browser.

  • Have fun!!!