Human Cloning
Cloning brings advances in artificial organs, cosmetics, and age reduction, while at the same time taking away a human's individuality, uniqueness, and the right to live his own life. It may correct some of the mere eight defective genes in the average human body and it may give an infertile couple the ability to have children, but manufacturing artificial life cannot give a child his own life without living in the shadow of another. God created us with our own qualities. We aren't perfect. We shouldn't expect to be. We shouldn't try to correct how God has made us. If we do, we are saying that He who created the Universe and its complexity has made a mistake. That isn't possible.
Scientists have high hopes about cloning and what it might bring. They are talking about setting back the biological clocks and even giving immortality. Regenerating human parts is one of these ideas. People who once had a defective heart or liver can now be given a new one grown from their own cells. People who are paralyzed can be given another chance by being able to grow nerve cells. Bald men don't might not have to be blinded by their own reflection, they say. Hair follicles can be taken and grown to give a man the full head of hair and cover up the glare. One of the more disturbing reasons to clone is so that homosexuals may truly have their own children. Scientists can take 23 chromosomes from each male or each female and produce a baby that is actually theirs.
Cloning has many promises but isn't all it's said to be. It has been the talk of the scientific world since the sheep they call Dolly was introduced to the world as the first mammal ever to be cloned. Excitement grew into the desire to create human life. Organ regeneration, advanced cosmetics, and the chance to have children were promised by scientists. After all, modern science created a sheep. Why can't it create a human? Because it would take about 300 tries to produce a healthy baby. What most people don't know is that Dolly was not the first. Ten of the 300 sheep were dead, five had deformities, and one could do nothing but pant. It was destroyed because of the pain it was suffering. How many times are we going to try to create a human? How many mentally handicapped and deformed babies will we bring into this world before we achieve success? We don't need new, cloned people. God gave us the ability to reproduce in a special way. Why try to manufacture it like a product is made in a factory? The human body is not a product or a thing. It's a gift from God.
This special gift of God can be taken away from a person if they don't even have real parents, their own, unique body, or an identity different from anyone else that has walked the Earth. How will a person grow and mature if they are always being measured up to a standard that they might not be able to meet? How will they feel loved if they have no real parents? How will the father of his cloned wife be able to look at his daughter at the age of 20 and not see the same person he fell in love with? Who knows if these people will even have souls? What a sad thought to contemplate. Will a child produced in a lab and given life by mortal, sinful humans be able to choose to serve God? Will he be given the gift of Heaven if he does? Will he pay if he doesn't? That is one question we will never know the answer to.
Cloning a life has benefits to other people who don't have the gifts that they would like to have and at the same time takes away a person's individuality and possibly their soul. The world of science would love to go forward with cloning for the benefits in the medical and cosmetic field, but has too much to risk. Wasting 300 lives to artificially create only one is not a sacrifice our country should make
REPORT BY: .Jacob Yales. March 15, 2002.