Jade's Hall of Fame results

Drew Bledsoe . Jason Sehorn . Kerry Collins . Tom Brady . Wade Richey

Mel Wade Richey Tom Brady Drew Bledsoe Kerry Collins Jason Sehorn
Cindy Wade Richey Kerry Collins Tom Brady Drew Bledsoe Jason Sehorn
Jade Wade Richey Drew Bledsoe Tom Brady Kerry Collins Jason Sehorn

Okay, so we unanimously agree that Richey is the most appealing of the five and Sehorn, the least appealing. We have relatively similar tastes in this category.Looking at the Top 3 of each person's choice, the Inductees should therefore be Richey and Brady.

Martin Brodeur . Sergei Fedorov . Patrice Brisebois . Richard Matvichuk . Joe Nieuwendyk

Mel Patrice Brisebois Richard Matvichuk Sergei Fedorov Joe Nieuwendyk Martin Brodeur
Cindy Marty Brodeur Sergei Fedorov Patrice Brisebois Joe Nieuwendyk Richard Matvichuk
Jade Joe Nieuwendyk Patrice Brisebois Richard Matvichuk Marty Brodeur Sergei Fedorov

Now this category is the most interesting one. The tastes vary. But it is fairly easy to see that Brisebois appeals to us all since he appears in everyone's Top 3. It's a tie between Fedorov and Matvichuk but I take it upon myself to induct Matvichuk and Brisebois into my version of the Hall of Fame.

Mark Grudzielanek . Alex Gonzalez . Shawn Green . J.T. Snow . Mike Mussina

Mel Alex Gonzalez J.T. Snow Mark Grudzielanek Mike Mussina Shawn Green
Cindy Alex Gonzalez Shawn Green Mike Mussina J.T. Snow Mark Grudzielanek
Jade Mike Mussina Shawn Green Alex Gonzalez J.T. Snow Mark Grudzielanek

Now Mel, I seriously think you should 'revise your "I don't fancy Hispanics" option' ('baseball speak') because you definitely think Gonzalez is hot. And so does Cindy; I place him as third so he's through. Now second place either goes to Mussina or Green. Both are attractive in their own right - Italian, shy and smart or tall, lean and charming. Hmmm...hard choice to make so we look to Mel's vote as deciding factor. Mussina it is then.

Final results:




~Thanks for taking the time~