11/28 - HAPPY TURKEY DAY!! For those of you that celebrate this time of year (or the four day weekend that comes along with it) we here at MFS.com wanna say Happy Thanksgiving!! And I know you'll be happy to know that this year is extremely giving, because after a four month hiatus, MFS is back and with updates no less!!! While internal links are still going on, you can now see the opening links to the Wiggles & Giggles section. And you can check out the awards this site has won. Currently, the awards are from the 2002 Smarties Awards. And speaking of the Smarties Awards, it now has a section all by itself! By clicking this link (http://smarties.myfavshows.com), you can see all of last's year's winners and my email is listed in case any of you Smarties would like to participate in the 2003 awards. I am currently looking for judges. With Winter Break coming up soon, I will soon have the majority of internal links put up in both the Get Smart & Reboot sections, as well as Wiggs and Giggs  songs. Check them out! Until then, l8r!
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