The Coalition to Rebroadcast

Please read and sign the petition to rebroadcast SB on Soap City's new cable channel.

Thank you,
Santa Barbara fans

Join the SantaBarbaraLives Community

Dear Soap City:

We, the loyal viewers and fans of Santa Barbara have learned your parent company owns the rights to Santa Barbara. We have also been told SB may be re-broadcast to us on your new cable channel, Soap City.
Santa Barbara has always had a hugh following and made lots of money for New World Productions in it's short run. It was seen in over 40 countries around the world, and is still seen in some places today. With all that in mind, We, the loyal fans are here to impress upon you the importance of adding Santa Barbara to your new Soap City Channel line-up. After all, your company owns the rights to it, so why not make some money with it by airing it to a public that demands the return of this phenomenon. It is a win-win proposition......

Click here to sign the petition

check out the reply letter from soap city: Reply to petition