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Hey!  Welcome to Giddy Up With Nsync...We (Lierrin and Christine) just want to thank you for coming!!!  Sorry about the loading time but go grab a snack or somethin' and when you get back be prepared to explore the ultimate Nsync heaven!!!  We update constantly so bookmark us for the LATEST news and TV dates.  Thanks for coming and enjoy the page!!!

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'Nsync 'Ncounters

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[Previous Poll Results!]


[The ULTIMATE 'Nsync challenge!]

[Nsync Cartoon Dolls!]

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[Meet the

The Boys

[We would like to thank the academy...]


[The Guys' Bios]

[Lyricsto NSA]

[HOT Pics of the guys!]

[*new* News]

[Contact info!]

[Britney N Justin?!?!]

Hey peoples!!!  We're making a new section of our site with  tons of nsync links, so submit your link to us now!


[NEW TOUR dates]


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[Mailing Lists & Newsletters]

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[Things you never knew about Nsync]

Weekly Quotes!

"Those darn Backstreet Boys.  Wow they are ugly.  Too bad they aren't as sexy as me.  -- Chris Kirkpatrick


us your fav quote! ('nsync related...or not!)

Keep Nsync #1!!!!!

(Feel free to take htis graphic for your site!)

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'N Sync-er to grace this page since March 2000!

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When you sign we will email you a GREAT pic of your favorite 'nsync-er!!!!!

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E-Mail Christine

Before you say "Bye Bye Bye" Don't forget to sign the guestbook!!!

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Bye Bye Bye (A cheap midi version!)