Music Download Survey

This anonymous survey is for research as part of my degree course at the University of Wales, Aberystywth in Film & Television Studies. I would be very appreciative if you could take the time to answer the following questions.




Marital Status:

  1. Which of the following types of music do you listen to? (tick all that apply):
  2. Pop Rock Indie Punk

    Dance Soul Urban/R&B Rap/Hip-Hop

    Jazz Classical Musicals Other


  3. What were the last 3 singles or albums you bought, either on CD/vinyl or downoad?

  5. How often do you buy CD/vinyl singles? (choose one):
  6. Every week Often Occasionally Rarely Never


  7. On average, how many singles do you buy a month? (choose one):
  8. 0 1-2 3-5 6-10 11-15 16+


  9. How often do you buy CD/vinyl albums? (choose one):
  10. Every week Often Occasionally Rarely Never


  11. On average, how many albums do you buy a month? (choose one):
  12. 0 1-2 3-5 6-10 11-15 16+


  13. On average, how much do you spend on CD/vinyls (singles and albums) a month? (choose one):
  14. Nothing up to £5 £5-£10 £10-£20 £20-£30 £30-£50 £50-£75 £75-£100 over £100


  15. How often do you legally download individual songs? (choose one):
  16. Every week Often Occasionally Rarely Never


  17. On average, how many songs do you legally download a month? (choose one):
  18. 0 1-2 3-5 6-10 11-15 16+


  19. How often do you legally download albums? (choose one):
  20. Every week Often Occasionally Rarely Never


  21. On average, how many albums do you legally download a month? (choose one):
  22. 0 1-2 3-5 6-10 11-15 16+


  23. Where do you legally download music from? (tick all that apply)
  24. iTunes (

    Napster (

    My Coke Music (

    HMV Online (

    Virgin Megastores Online (

    Woolworths Online (

    Record Company Website (various)




  25. If you answered "other" to question 12 please state where you legally download music from:

  27. On average, how much do you spend on legal downloads a month? (choose one):
  28. Nothing up to £3 £3-£5 £5-£10 £10-£20 £20-£30 £30-£50 £75-£100 over £100


  29. Why do you choose to legally download music? (tick all that apply):
  30. I don't

    Because it's legal

    I can afford to do so

    Guaranteed high quality file

    I buy pre-release songs

    It is cheaper than buying CD/vinyl singles and albums

    I can choose individual tracks from an album



  31. If you answered "Other" to question 15 please state you reason(s):

  33. How often do you illegally download individual songs? (choose one):
  34. Every week Often Occasionally Rarely Never


  35. On average, how many songs do you illegally download a month? (choose one):
  36. 0 1-2 3-5 6-10 11-15 16+


  37. How often do you illegally download albums? (choose one):
  38. Every week Often Occasionally Rarely Never


  39. On average, how many albums do you illegally download a month? (choose one):
  40. 0 1-2 3-5 6-10 11-15 16+


  41. What are your reasons for illegally downloading music? (tick all that apply):
  42. I don't

    Song by an artist I wouldn't normally buy

    To have a song/album to listen to before it is released, WITH the intention to buy it when it is

    To have a song/album to listen to before it is released, WITHOUT the intention to buy it when it is

    To sample an artist I am not familiar with, WITH the intention of buying their music if I like it

    To sample an artist I am not familiar with, WITHOUT the intention of buying their music if I like it

    I don't like to pay for music when I don't have to

    I can't afford to buy it



  43. If you answered "other" to question 21 please state your reason(s) for illegally downloading music:


  45. If legal music downloads became cheaper would you… (choose one):

Buy more Buy the same amount Buy less


  • If you have any further comments please leave them in the box below:


    The results of this survey will remain anonymous and no information will be passed on to third parties. However, you may leave your name and e-mail address if you wish, and we may contact you in the future for further research.





    Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey.

    I would be very grateful if you could pass the URL ( to this survey on to as many people as possible.



    Survey by Ross Proudfoot, January 2005