Once upon a time, in a TV Land far far away, there existed a show. A show that brought joy and laughter, tears and angst, to people of all ages across the world. A show that we could relate to; a show where we felt for the characters.

We grew up with a boy, struggling with his naive optimism, trying to salvage the only friendship he could hold onto; a pained girl's unrequited love struggle from the bounds of friendship; the coming of age of a young man who had a hard front, but just wanted to be loved; a young girl, abandoned by all that she knew and left to survive in a town she knew nothing about.

Innocent faces painted with the flickering of a "Movie Night"; oars dipping into the creek after a night of thought and wonder. A season finale that (*wipes tear from eye*) gets us every time.

This my friends, was Season One.

-Nicole Currier
Co-Listowner and Founder of KDCSOSR

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