Table of Contents for my pages
The Crash of june 2005
My friends
Pictures of my Home
My Page 1 - Me!
My Page 2 - Phil & Me

If someone is listening,
Any one at all,
I wonder will you catch me?
Will you break my fall?

Am I falling slowly?
Drifting like a feather,
Will I catch a gust of wind,
and fly away forever?

Where would you be,
If I went away?
What would you do,
To pass the time in your day?

Would you miss the way,
It used to be?
Would you go,
And try to find me?

               -Robin Milligan
Lead Duck

I surround myself with people
Who dance to the beat of their own drum,
And if they didn’t, they wouldn’t be any fun.

They fallow me around
Like I’m the lead duck,
I’m the leader so god, wish me luck.

Heck, I just now got my wings
And learned to fly.
Don’t tell me that my wishing well went dry.

For this part of my life,
I have everything.
So I cradle my followers in the crest of my wing.

          -Robin Milligan
^^An old pic of some of my friends and me in High school.