Tad & Dixie Tad & Dixie Wallpapers

Welcome to Tad & Dixie Wallpapers!

12.23.04: Happy Holidays! Haven't updated this site in a very long time, but here's a little something for the holidays. I made some Tad & Dixie avatars. Hope you like them.

xmas wish td avatar 2 td avatar 3 mek avatar 1

Also put up a new poll. What is your fondest wish for Tad in 2005? The choice is pretty obvious for me.

10.13.03: Happy Birthday, Cady McClain! I've uploaded some avatars for the occasion. Feel free to use these.

cady avatar 1 cady avatar 2 cady avatar 3 td avatar 4

10.12.03: Updated polls. Please vote! Added a link.

1.18.03: Added new wallpaper of T&D's first wedding from the 1990 SOU photo shoot.

1.4.03: Happy New Year! As we start another year, I thought it'd be fun to look back at some of the more memorable T&D scenes in 2002. I've listed ten that came to mind in the new poll, so take a moment and vote!

12.1.02: It has been awhile since I've put up any new wallpapers. With Cady McClain's departure earlier this year, there really isn't any new material to work with. This site will remain online for the time being, and I hope to be able to find the time to bring you some new wallpapers soon. In the meantime, you will find a new Cady wallpaper that I made months ago. I intended to do more with it, but oh well.

You may notice the new look. I was bored with the old one, and I wanted to make things "simpler". All the wallpapers are grouped on one page now, and all fan event photos are in the "Photo Album". Oh, and the "Card Shoppe" is gone. Sorry!

Disclaimer: This is a non-commercial fan site and is not affiliated with AMC or ABC/Disney or Michael E. Knight or Cady McClain.

Wallpaper images are created from video captures from AMC and various soap magazines. Fan event photos are taken by me.

Everything here is for your personal use only. Do not put them up on another website without my written permission. And please do not direct link images. Thanks.