Johnstons' DragonBallZ Domain
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Hey, Welcome, to my site I'm glad you came!!!! My
name is Johnston Plumlee and I run this site. Check out the Gallery, Bios, and my dads'
website. I will be adding an multimedia page pretty soon so visit as much as you can.
Yup!! It will have songs, sound, and movie clips. I will add a pic of the month to
my site. If you have any thing to say about my site then e-mail me and be
honest. Tell me if I need improvement or if you would like to see a certain thing on
this site then tell me and I will try my best to make it happen. If you use any
thing from my site to use on your site then link me to your site and e-mail me to let me
know. Oh yeah, while your here sign my guestbook. Well, enjoy your

The World of DragonBallZ

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