It seems appropriate to bring out the last fanzine of 1999, at the very time when we can all see Rik & Ade at the cinema. It has been a superb year for the fan club. We have
approximately 100 members so far, and it is ever increasing. I would like to thank everyone for their support and patience and for helping to make the fan club possible. I hope you will all continue to enjoy the fan club into the year 2000. I would like to wish everyone a "Merry Christmas" and "A Happy New Year"!!!

1. Guest Book
2. Message Board
3. Competition
4. Ruth Hughes Rik Article
5. Recent Articles/ Interviews
6. Guest House Paradiso reviews & picture!
7. Rik Classifieds
8. The Dangerous Brothers
9. Penpals
10. Fan Club Info/ My Info
11. Links

Total Rik
My Rowan Atkinson Site
My Peter Richardson Site
My Martin & Gary Kemp Home Page

Disclaimer! This is strictly an unofficial fan site. Although I have contacted Rik many times, I have never had a reply, neither he, his agent nor anyone connected with him has had any direct input. As author, I take full responsibility for all
material included. Any unattributed opinions or comments are mine, as are all
errors. While I've tried to be as complete and accurate as possible, undoubtedly there are things I may have missed or mistaken. Please send any corrections, comments or
contributions to me, Lucy Glover, at