Welcome to MandaRe's Homepage
Hey everybody! I'm MandaRe. Welcome! I hope you enjoy your visit to my page! Happy Independence Day, btw!!! Oh, and a special welcome to Erica, Jordyn, and Jamie!
Unanswered Question of the Week!
If a turtle doesn't have a shell, is he homeless or naked? :o)
Learn more about MandaRe!
Go see my Buffy the Vampire Slayer Page!
Go visit Dawson and Joey at the Creek!

Here's my tribute to Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman!
Are you a Backstreet Boys fan? If so, try my trivia!
Here are some of my favorite links!
Go visit my best friend!
Go visit Rebecca! This is a really cool site!
Go visit Gwendolyn!
A very cool Backstreet Boys Site!
Check out Jenn's site--full of DQMW stuff, including trivia, a chatroom, and much more!

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